"I had to unload 22 years of fiction . . . the fiction of AA. It's a silly book written by a broken down fool who was a plagiarist. They think it's a one size fits all but it didn't fit me and I just got tired of trying something with a 5 percent success rate. As a retired gambler, I need better odds than that." — Charlie Sheen
I have tiger's blood and Adonis DNA just like Charley! Unlike Charley, my teeth aren't corroded and green.
I'd like to see Charlie Sheen's interview, Muammar Gaddafi's interview and a Christmas fruitcake's interview side by side to see which is nuttier. Martin Sheen was a little off in his day, but even he has to be curled up in the fetal position somewhere after Charlie's last interview.
Rich people aren't crazy - they're eccentric.
Was Charlie Sheen always this nutty and has been self-medicating a mental illness? Even though I kind of agree with him regarding the success rate of AA (or ANY program) someone needs to put a bag over his head and get him to shut up. He's clearly gone down a new road to Nuttyville and seems to have his own zip code.
Troll: I'm willing to bet you can also control things with your mind.
Buzz: Why, oh why, do celebretards insist on breeding?
Boxer: Well, mental illness IS a progressive disease, so welcome to what the end of the road looks like. But while I think he looks like walking death and is nuttier than a bunch of squirrels in winter, I did make a little fist pump when he took AA to task.
interesting that the champion of humanity and goodness, the liberal media, uses a drowning man as a schadenfraudian horror show for their ratings. whatever charlie sheen is - the media exploitation is repulsive. Any news person with a shred of integrity would pull the plug and refuse to air the segment. I saw some of it on you tube...even if charlie was willing i wouldnt touch it. I was embarrassed to even watch it. I know what manic behavior is. its this. The crash will be horrific. I hope the cameras arent rolling.
Amazingly, every day Charlie says something that makes him even more of a whack job.
K9: The words "news" and "integrity" no longer go together in American journalism. All we want is spectacle.
WTWA: The only tell as to whether or not he's crazy or just wily is the fact that he looks so awful, like he could use about a week's worth of both food and sleep.
He's going to end up like Naven R. Johnson
In case I did the link in comment think wrong, go here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VbI5zcB8Ac
Sorry, my computer skills are lacking.
Good afternoon Moi,
If he's making speeches that cause Buzz to rank him with Gaddafi. Likely he should be in a rubber room and skip all the self help groups.
MRM: All I need are THESE shoes! That's all I need. Well, THOSE ones, too. And maybe those over there. But that's it!
Karl: Right. This is beyond talk therapy. Beyond. However, what it's doing for the English lexicon is rather fun. A friend and I have been trading Charlie-isms all day, "No, you're a bitch' rock star from Mars."
Holy cow, Charlie Sheen has done gone lost his mind. What scares me most is if he is right and cured himself. He and Mel can hang out and have themselves a right good time. Lindsay too, except she will be in jail for grand larceny. We should have a betting pool for who is next to hop on the Crazy Train. Sort of like the dead pool for crazies.
P.S. My favorite Naven quote: "He hates these cans!"
Pam: Best quote all day: "Dead pool for crazies."
He's joined the ranks of A#1 douchebags. He probably should join DBA since he hates AA so much. Hates them "violently", apparently.
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