Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas, is,

and #2,
A walk-on part in
Walking Dead. Because I do believe it's in need of a little fashion victim zombie
juhz. I envision head-to-toe Lagerfeld, including those hideous clogs from Spring/Summer 2010, or maybe one of Alexander McQueen's digital Geiger print dresses and horse hoof platforms . . .
Anyone else loving this show? Not much not to love, in my opinion. Based on the eponymous monthly comic book put out by Image Comics,
Walking Dead airs every Sunday night on AMC (also home to the terrific
Breaking Bad and
Madmen) and it gives viewers plenty to sink their teeth into.
Honey, I'm home . . . and boy, am I hungry.
The gore factor is high, but so is the suspense and the human drama, which starts off with a literal bang at the beginning of the first episode when the small southern town sheriff Hero (who earns himself a solid 8.0 on Moi's Hero Hotness Meter) sends a point blank shot right through the forehead of a little girl.
Okay, so it's a
zombified little girl, but still. Half of you wants to laugh because, well, she could easily have been one of those annoying kickers of airplane seat backs, so go Sheriff. But the other half is cringing because, well, it's a
little girl!
And if you stuck around after that, tell me, can you think of anything in recent television history to match the tragic poignancy of one of the character's inability to put his zombie wife out of her misery or that beautiful horse valiantly carrying Hero into the wrecked heart of Atlanta, only to be sacrificed as zombie lunch and making it possible for Hero to live?
If you're watching, too, check back here every Monday and toss in your two cents. In the meantime here are some quick observations of Episode Three, "Tell it To the Frogs":
We got a much needed relief from the show's relentless Squick Factor. This episode's up close zombie head decapitation and subsequent brain scramble aside, it's going to be awfully difficult to top the giddy gross out of last week's "Guts" episode anyway.

Why yes, intestine scarves with dangly hand bits ARE all the rage for Spring 2011.
Over all, the show manages to uphold a high level of believability, but on occasion, a glaring WTF moment sticks out. Like this one: Red-neck-handcuffed-to-a-pipe-on-the-roof-dude doesn't realize until the zombies are
just about to break through the barred door that he can
just about reach for the handsaw that could quite possibly save his life?
Also, red-neck dude's equally red-necky brother. Both of these characters are in serious need of a bit of nuance or we're not going to be able to feel anything one way or the other for them; we're just going to feel embarrassed for the actors.
Also, Hero's wife. He was missing for, what, a month or so? Tell me, do you think that's long enough for her to forget about him and take up with his co-worker/best friend? Is this a case of girl's just gotta have it, or a short hand way to get to the warm squishy center of some Relationship Drama?
Girl can get with this . . .

Or girl can get with that:

Me? I think I'll take that bad ass Challenger, por favor. The ultimate zombie escape mobile.