This is COWW girl Doris Rose contemplating the utter deliciousness of my cupcakes:

The COWW girls also brought gifts.
Like this Moon Magnet that COWW girl E! made all by herself. She is so ultra crafty. I am so glad. Because I am not. But I can be a professional appreciator. I can't quite get a good photo of this one, but trust me, it's really, really gorgeous.

COWW girl Doris Rose brought me some delightful, cheery mums. I love mums. All flowers in the daisy family, really. They're just so optimistic. Oh, and all her back copies of Entertainment Weekly so that I would have plenty of crap reading for the weekend.
COWW girl Wicked Thistle brought me blingy beads to hang on my Black Jesus and this:

We all agreed that this is definitely a . . . birka veil? 'Cause, Lord honey, if you're going to take the matrimonial plunge, just cover up that face and pray it all goes well. I made everyone put the birka veil on. COWW girl E!'s expression was the least resigned. I think she looks very lovely and wistful in this photo, as if she's thinking of the man of her dreams and how he may be dreamy now but just wait a few months after he takes over one of the bathrooms.
All in all, a good time was had by all. Or, as COWW girl Wicked Thistle, smart ass that she is, would say:

Rock on Rena!More about the "Bash" later.... great pictures. FABulous cupcakes, mmmmmm. Sugar rush, phooey.
But I say it with love!
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