A. I love to bake.
B. I am compelled to prove, if to no one but myself, that contrary to certain output, mini chocolate cakes baked at 7,500 feet in the chihuahuan desert can actually be moist and scrumptious. And if they aren’t, I expect my COWWgirls to be true friends and lie to me. Because it’s my birthday.
Unfortunately, S.B. is missing in action. He’s on a job site doing all sorts of Important Things to ensure the Free World As We Know It will be able to wake up tomorrow morning and run their hairdryers. I swear, I'm impressed all over again whenever I stop to think just how imperative he is to the well-run machine that is the Greater Scheme of Things. But I do suspect that he's thinking of me.
And of just how tres chic I look in his birthday present:

What? I can believe what I want. It's my birthday.
At any rate, this day I plan, once again, to be the girl with the most cake. And some day, you will ache like I ache. Because, like me, you will have insisted on eating the entire gosh darn thing.
Happy Birthday my friend!! you know you do resemble whats-her-name. I will fast and await your dreamy cupcakes....
Happy b-day, baby! Bossy could use some cupcakes and wine right about now. And cheese. A classic combination.
Wine and cheese and cupcakes for you, too, then! It's my birthday. Therefore, the universe must obey my proclamation.
Ooooooh, my cupcake-filled belly is distended with all the chocolate mini cakes and frosty frost frosting...the sugar keeps zipping through my veins...
It hurts, but it hurts so *good.*
Thanks for having such a lovely patio party, Birthday Princess!
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