I don't understand the purpose of group week. At all. I'm one of those people who thinks it sucks that there's no "I" in team, and whenever I've been part of a group project I've ended up doing one of two things:
1. Grabbing the reins and doing all the work myself.
2. Slacking off and daydreaming about the next day's outfits while someone else does all the work.
That's not to say I can't work for or under someone. I take direction quite happily (and, in fact, welcome it) and am totally capable of sussing out and meeting all terms of whatever work contract I agree to. It's just that I don't like collaborating on a project where everyone contributes their ideas to one big pot, thinking that what will emerge is an oh-so-much-better sum of the original parts but which instead just turns out to be watered down and dishwater grey.
So American Idol group week always makes me squirm. Even more so last night with all the stage mommies hovering over their fifteen-year-olds and giving them direction, which one of the contestants rightly pointed out gives those spayshul little snowflakes an unfair advantage.
At any rate, it all sounded like bad karaoke to Moi, so I got nothing to say except shame that the dude half of the busted up couple went home because I like his voice. Ain't his fault the two girlz made him sing Cee Lo Green when he clearly wasn't up for it.
Oh, and that kid who sounds like Randy Travis? Let's take bets on how long he lasts . . .
I think Producers put them through this horrible scnizz to see who's gonna break and wow! Did people break. Randy Travis dude? You're in Hollywood, grow a pair or head back to the farm (which is what I would do.) The girl who DID have a nervous breakdown and really tried to leave is also on the road to Susan Boyle-Ville. I'm hoping tonight will be better with everyone singing by themselves but with over 100 singers left we'll never really hear all of them, so what's the point? let's just get to the top 20.
Thanks for the post!
Wait, you watched this when the new season of Survivor was on last night? Bwahahaha
I actually don't watch Survivor anymore but the kids had it on. It was one of the strangest tribal councils I ever saw. Everyone told their strategies before voting.
Surprisingly, the Mrs didn't watch this last night. I think she forgot it was on.
Boxer: Freaky nearly-nervous-breakdown girl is a train wreck waiting to happen. I hate seeing stuff like that. I makes me want to reach through the screen and give her a warm cup of soup and advise she go work for the Gap instead.
Buzz: I have never watched a single episode of Survivor, can you believe it? I have no idea why. I also had to juggle Top Chef AND Justified. Too. Much. Television.
It was hard to follow on DVR and I was distracted by life. I know screeching Welfare-Boy made it through but I don't know if Obama-Worshipper did.
Break-up guy did have a good voice but he showed himself as a whiny pansy last night. F-You isn't the most complex song ever written. And there have been PLENTY of contestants who weren't dancers, so he didn't need to whine and fret about that.
Come to think of it, they guy who originated F-You doesn't do any dancing, does he?
Randy Travis's bastard child is even more One-Note than Randy Travis himself. WTF was he crying about?
The Mothers were annoying. The thing where Steven Tyler sat on stage was dumb. Breakdown Girl was both dumb and annoying. She should write a check to the other 3 girls in her group for rescuing her sorry ass.
Troll: No, Cee Lo Green just kind of bounces around on a piano bench dressed like a cross between Big Bird and Elton John.
i call it the bride of frankenstein syndrome. too many disparate parts maketh the monsta.
didnt watch for more than 10 minutes, had an anxiety attack and medicated with chocolate/
Chickory: I medicate with Cheetos. The keeeeeerunch is almost as satisfying as pulling a trigger.
Good afternoon Moi,
This is on more than once a week?
I guess crunching Cheetos is easier on the television screen than pulling a trigger.
@Karl - Elvis didn't think so.
@ Boxer: If I had the operating budget that Elvis had, I could use TV's as skeet.
It has taken me all day to get over here to comment. Group week is excrutiating, but they need to be able to work with others and show some ability at taking direction and learning choreography. Definitely weeds them out. Am glad diva girl and friend went home. Nervous breakdown girl will be taken out by ambulance, I'm sure. I thought tonight's episode was good but will wait and see if you do a post.
While there is no "I" in "team," there is a "me."
Karl: Right now, I think twice a week. That will change. I missed last night.
Karl and Boxer: Neither did Travis Bickle.
Pam: Oh, I totally get the weeding out process; I just hate watching it :o) I missed tonight's episode because I had a meeting. I'll catch it on the recorder later.
Czar: Ah. So there is. There is also "tea."
I think we may have AI's first Troll contestant this year.
Red-Beard guy who I picked early on. Not sure but he looks sort of trollish. And hauling that enormous stand-up bass on stage was a pretty trollish move.
The negro who almost passed out from exhaustion after hitting every note in the known universe was incredibly good. Not really my kind of music, but WOW what a range.
Troll is right. The highlight of last night was dude with Bass. Wow. He's so good he should not even be on Idol. I loved Randy Jackson's response; initially looking annoyed at the bass, then realizing how good the guy was and his "oh, really?" was priceless.
The rest of the show? It was OK.
The guy who sings about "girly sized steak" and "whole honking cow" in the Taco Bell commercials is really good. Probably too old to be on Idol.
Troll: I caught him on You Tube. Makes everyone else look like a buncha tweety birds.
Boxer: Randy's a lil' slow, but he eventually gets it.
Troll: I haven't watched a commercial in ages. S.B.'s too trigger happy with the remote.
I keep thinking that the guy at the piano in the commercial is Anthony Edwards (aka Goose from Top Gun and/or whatever medical show he was on ... St Elsewhere maybe?) ....
Anyway, I love LOVED bass guy. He is very trollish and too good for this show. ANd the black guy who sang his heart out was fantastic. Can't believe spastic emotional girl is still in it, but she will be gone next round. They had to leave some folks in to cut out later, after all. There will still be people who have not be highlighted and this gets my angry every year. Oh well.
Anyone taking bets that Julianne Hough gets a feature performance on this year's shows?????
Caught up with this yesterday. Bass dude is unbelieveably good and two things will happen because of it: He'll get more chicks than he ever thought he could, and he'll get voted off the show because he's not "idol" material, but is, instead, professional musician material and that's just fine and dandy.
That black gent from CA was incredible. Not only his range, but his emotion, the way he felt the song. That's a very rare quality in a singer. Melinda Doolittle and Fantasia Barrino are the only two Idol contestants I can think of who had that particular ability as well.
where, wear, ware. I don't have a lot of game right now.
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