I sure know why I hate you like I do.
You say you're for the people, but you just make us blue.
Stole our faith, replaced it with regret,
And we haven't seen the worst of it yet.
I wanna know
Won't you tell me
Are you here to stay?
Because I want to take you to the river.
Drop you in the water,
Drown your soul and shoot your heart,
Hang you upside down.
That would feel so good,
Watching you drown . . .
You say you're for the people, but you just make us blue.
Stole our faith, replaced it with regret,
And we haven't seen the worst of it yet.
I wanna know
Won't you tell me
Are you here to stay?
Because I want to take you to the river.
Drop you in the water,
Drown your soul and shoot your heart,
Hang you upside down.
That would feel so good,
Watching you drown . . .
Note to self: Bring Moi donuts and always stay on her good side.
@awkward - it would take more than a few donuts. Or even expensive shoes.
I wasn't thinking drowning.
I was thinking about the old timey justice of tar and feathers. God knows his soul is tarred and, he hasn't got the gumption of tiny little Easter.
Why are you picking on Brother John Boehner who has had, for 3 months, control of about 1% of the Government?
Did you think he could hypnotize the entrenched bureaucracy, the gov't unions, the Senate, K-Street, the Media Oligarchy, and Obama to accept reasonable spending reductions and modernized pro-capitalism regulations?
WTWA: Don't worry; you're already on my good side. But it never hurts to reinforce your status. I like Dunkin over Crispy Creme and Top Pot over all. Cake-style, lemon-filled, powder-sugared.
Boxer: Boner couldn't win me over with the new Louboutins, he's such a creepizoid.
Fishy: Would be a good waste of tar and feathers.
Troll: BONER, as I like to call him, compromised and capitulated and didn't even try to do what he promised. If he'd had any guts at all, any desire to distinguish his actions from business as usual, he would have let the gooberment shut down.
have you hearad of "Dickipedia"? It's a parody and he's listed in it. Bwahahahahaha.
Boxer: "Not the son of George Hamilton." Bwhahahahahahaha!
Amen on the cake donuts. But the other battles aren't over yet methinks.
Pam: Heck no. Now we're going to RAISE the ding dang DEBT CEILING? Seriously, it's all getting a little bit light a match, burn it down, start over for me.
Good afternoon Moi,
Hey, got a match?
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