I want to be like this bumblebee I found bopping around one of my butterfly bushes yesterday: amiably going about its business in a calm, unstressed manner. Unlike the honeybee, bumblebees do not live in large hives, nor do they lose their stinger and die when they sting something. Which they rarely do, because they are exceptionally good-natured. Their nests are small, their family units intimate, so they are not under obligation to produce honey for commercial use. Their value simply lies in their ability to fly from blossom to blossom, pollinating this and that for the betterment of mankind as a whole. They're also really cute and make a soothing buzzing sound as they go about their business.
However, for the next 4-6 weeks, I will be more like the honeybee – work, work, work, work, working. Because I have stupidly over committed herself with both work and family obligations. The sound I am making is: ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH! The feeling I am feeling is : Oh, shit. It all starts by leaving my happy hive tomorrow at the butt crack of dawn for four days in Detroit and it won't end until sometime around August 31st.
Okay, universe: lesson learned. Before the fact, even. But I still have to get through the fact.
I'll check in periodically this week. In the meantime, enjoy, Party People, and be like the bumblebee, won't you?
Poor Moi, as if you hadn't given enough...ah well, noblesse oblige.I, for one, will "Simply Bumble" in the ensuing days and be ready to provide you with a break when needed. Safe travels, amiga.
In your corner, Moi-ster.
I'm not over obligated...much...mostly I'm just burned out.
I'll keep checking in.
Good luck.
Thanks, y'all. I'll be checking in. Laptop's coming with.
DEtroit....? oh.
What's AFTER aug 31? somethin more Bumbly, I hope.
I am more like a stumble bee. Maybe even a crumble bee. I have at times been a tumble bee. Embarassed when I was a fumble bee. Confusing when I was a bJmelu bee. Ithink I will just be.
Don't overdo it. I f you work to hard you'll become a Mumble...
Just got back from a golf weekend with some friends, most of whom I've known for 20-something years. One of them was getting irritated with me for being too chatty (although not on the backswing). I told him, as my eyes were tearing up, "Look, I spend 361 days a year working 16-hour days in my basement, and I have no friends at home, and when I get around you guys, I tend to want to talk." I think he was unprepared for the vehemence of my response. All of which is to say, try to take it easy . . . if that's possible in Detroit.
Go out and have some fun in Day-twa. There are some cool dumpy bars near Greektown. Get a little buzz going bumblebee!!
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