I got a late start on the topic and am afraid I will be copying most of what everyone else has set up, so I will stick once again with only one image. Of one of the greatest minds ever. Who came to us out of the dark ages of mysticism, fascism, fear, and conformity and believed that just about everything was possible. How cool is that?
Who do we have today who compares? Silent voices. Unseen faces. Toiling away while the rest of us line up like lemmings to pull the blanket right back over our heads. I hear there's property you can buy on the moon. In the meantime, question everything, 'kay?

Leo was quite a guy...Happy MM!
The sad thing is that most lemmings think Fat Albert Gore and another Leo (dicaprio) are Scientists and Thinkers in the Da Vinci mode.
Happy Mute Monday
how cool is that? very very cool. i chose one from the victorian era. fathers to us all, in the best of ways. happy MM and excellent commentary.
Da Vinci certainly packed quite a bit into his life. I wonder what his dreams (and if he slept at all) were like considering what he produced in his waking hours. Love the man, in awe of his brain.
Happy Mute Monday.
I love that you chose a self-portrait.
Da Vinci was just beyond. It's staggering to think what a man of his genius would be capable of today, given all our technological advancements.
Love Leonardo...amazin' mind and, well, the other 99% of genius: Energy!!
P.S. I'se got an option on a nice 10 acre farmette on the bright side of the moon.
Happy MM!
I totally agree!!
Happy MM!
Can you imagine what he could have done today? But, I think he was just where he needed to be in history.
Either way, this man was one of the greats and I personally love this self portrait. GREAT MM.
Now bring back those squirrels!
"Who came to us out of the dark ages of mysticism, fascism, fear, and conformity and believed that just about everything was possible."
and isn't it just *possible* that we could all be that way, if we really wanted to.
I like that post a lot! Happy MM!
Im glad your commenters told me who he was... :) But, yes, Leonardo was certainly ahead of his time. Happy MM x
Excellent scientist, artist, and true Renaissance man!
Happy MM!
perfect Choice.....
So fascinating a character.
I fear that we are long past a time of letting an amazing thinker such as Da Vinci exist and share ideas freely, without the need for press conferences and political posturing and tax-free donations and forms in triplicates. I much prefer Doris Rose's idea that anything is possible and that people such as this do exist--and just possibly within each of us.
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