My Fantasy:

My Reality:

I crawled out from my cave and went to see Sex in the City this weekend. I know, I know. I must be the last known female in the universe to have done so. Well, all I have to say (other than ohmyfreakingodiwantthoseshoesbeltbagdressapartmentvacation!) is: okay, where do I sign up for the life in which I spend an hour or so tapping out a sassy lil' column on sex and candy and then get to take the rest of the day to shop for Manolos and lunch for sushi?
Huh? Tell Moi. Where?
go direstly to that vast, untapped resource known by all as " Moi's Brain Vault" and tap away, soon you will create a wonderful interior life filled with riches beyond compare, which you will once again share with *Us*. And we are very grateful.
or you could teach typing ...
Why oh why didn't I go work for Microsoft back when their stock options were being away like candy.
Then we could both be those Ladies of Leisure.
If Candace whatever the hell her name is can do it, you can. I saw her speak once and wasn't impressed.
Doris: I have not ruled that out as an option. I clock in at 90 words per minute. And that's WITH a hangover.
AB: Oh gosh. That trumps just about any coulda woulda shoulda I can think of. La, la, la, la, la it 'kay?
WTWA: I saw her once, too, and I must say, I WAS wearing nicer shoes than she was. Okay, my shoes were knock offs, but they were really, really good knock offs.
I know! I KNOW!
Also what about Miranda? do you know ANY lawyer who works as short hours as she does?
why do people say this show is relevant to real women's lives? It's baloney!
la la la la la is RIGHT! :-)
Naw, Darlin ' you ain't the last woman ...'cause I have NOT been a'tall. An' now that youse warned me of the discontent that awaits me, I think I'se gonna slip out back and feed the shoats.
I know, right? Fuck Carrie Bradshaw and her perfect little life.
Emma: Everyone has jobs, no one works. I think I was three seasons into the show when I realized Charlotte worked at an art gallery!
AB: It's Moi's theme song :o)
Aunty: Oh but you would adore the fashions!
K9: And not a Rottie in sight, either. Oh, but there IS a gorgemous Pit Bull in two scenes!
Meghan: That's a tee shirt slogan, right there.
My father begged me to go to law school fifteen years ago. Even offered to pay for me to go.
22-year-olds should not be allowed to make decisions like that. Law school should be compulsory if you have over a 3.5 GPA and a daddy with cash.
Meghan's comment made me snort a donut up my nose.
President, mam, submit that book. NOW!!!
Got to Be Kidding: Howdy and welcome to Moi's blob. I hear ya. When I look back at my 22 year old self, I just want to smack her silly. And also ask: "What in the HELL are you wearing?"
AB: Yeah, you gotta watch it with Meghan. She comes outta left field and before you know it, there goes ANOTHER keyboard.
Aunty: I hear ya! And I will obey! Otherwise, I'm afraid of what you and Troll will do to me.
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