See this famblee of squirrels?
After we finished the pool two summers ago, they moved themselves in to a tony little spot under our decking. Mom, dad, a passel o' chillruns. Dad's in insurance and travels. Mom drinks and wanders the pool deck in inappropriately sized bikinis. The children are lil' punks to the core.
Of course, Snow White's Freakin' Wilderness Camp has not been the same since.
The squirrels, they completely took over the neighborhood. They knock over the bird baths. They steal my fifty million dollar a pound sunflower chips directly from the feeder. They chase the bluebirds. They titter and chitter from the tree tops, making me think I'm hearing voices. And they drive Ivan nuts.
Ivan, he'll chase or tree anything that moves: cats, squirrels, chipmunks, horny toads, rabbits, crows. Once, at our old house, he treed a bobcat. So intent was he on killing that thing, S.B. and I had to drag him off the hilltop back to the house and lock him inside for eight full hours so he could get his mind off the kitty. Fuggedaboutit. Later that day when we finally let him out, he bee-lined himself for that tree and sat sentry for another hour, whining the whole time for the bobcat.
I've written before about Ivan' love of killing all manner of creatures. All that's changed since is that he's a little bit slower.
Still, if he's patient enough and works the program, he can still get his man:


Interestingly, I spent a great deal of time researching Ground squirrles the other day.My concern was not because of the threat caused by my sissified-dainty-dogs, but because of the unbelievable number of burrows on my property. It is a hazard to walk 20 ft without falling in a hole and we know how DR Hates falling in holes.
The squirrels will get you for this. Not Ivan. *You.*
Perhaps you don't you know about the Squirrel-Mafia connection? Goes back decades. Personally, I wouldn't fuck with a squirrel. Because they fuck *back.*
I keep thinking Caddyshack and the gopher.
If somebody doesn't stop the squirrels soon, they will be running the entire world.
You may as well make a sport of it. Spray paint little numbers on them and let Ivan have at it. Take bets in the hood on who is the last squirrel standing. Winner gets the cash, a bag of nuts, and a large assortment of furry ear muffs.
My Kat used to bring back all kinds of critters. It never bothered me all that much but I just hated cleaning up the slaughtered carcasses that she left in the living room.
My office is on a VERY busy street in an urban/industrial part of town and there is a squirrel who lives in the trees/rooftops. He's one tough/bad ass boy and I toss him peanuts when he stops by. I swear he also flips me off.
I think he's put the word out on YOU for the untimely death of one of "their people" and I gotta agree with Wicked Thistle.... they fuck back. There goes your pool, friend.
OMG. This is so wrong but so funny.
I once went to the back door to let my labrador in, who was there standing with a possum in his mouth.
must add that once Paco spent WAY too much time in the backyard for a Chihuahua in the Winter and I discoverd why the next morning.... REALLY dead squirrel by the back door. I think he must have been outside wearing that thing like a cape.
then I remembered the nice licks he gave me.
Doris Rose: See, not only do squirrels terrorize from above, they even manage to do so from underground!
Wicked: Hey, I wasn't the one who caught and chomped the lil' forker. Talk to Moi's hand and take it up with Mother Nature, why don't cha?
WTWA: See there, now? At least one of Moi's Blob Homies is on the right team. Not sure 'about the furry ear muffs, but I gotcha on the rest of it.
NYD: Nothing like a kitty kat to remind us humans what ineffectual hunters we've become. I fling all our carcasses in our neighbor's yard. And not just because I hate the man, but because it feeds the carion eating aviators. Circle of life and all that.
You've Got to Be Kidding Me: And, you know, while you're busy screaming, your poor Lab is all, "WHAT? I brought dinner, didn't I?"
AB: I think he must have been outside wearing that thing like a cape. And that, my friend, wins The Funniest Blob Comment of the Day Award. I can just SEE it.
you gonna pay! you gonna pay!
Looky, never fergit that squirrels is RODENTS!
(doan any smarty pants send me no recipe fer squirrel perloo/ pilau)
I hope that squirrel was 'natural wasteage' as in fell-out-of-a-tree rather than dog-bait.
What's the difference between squirrels and bob cats?
Squirrel postings of mine at addresses below - aka my one-woman campaign against anti-Americanism re squirrels!
Go Ivan! I loathe squirrels, especially NYC ones that are the size of cats...eeep!
Squirrels ain't too bright. My Akita (NOT speedy) could catch them. I'm sure Ivan was frustrated that the bobcat climbed a tree, but he might not have enjoyed the alternative response.
we had a cat once that used to leave us bats for presents. i wish i could have seen that circle of life in action. beats tv.
magnificent ivan!
LOL to anonymous boxers and wicked thistles comments
my dads dog got mange from rolling around with his squirrel kill. for that reason i always give the squirrels a heads up shout so they have at least a head start ...its funny when the back door opens its like a cartoon with squirrels bolting in every direction
Mr Squirrel: I will not, however, mellow out.
Aunty: Tasty, with a nice Chianti.
Poet: Dang, your links didn't come through completely. But I have a feeling you made a brilliant case.
Thursday: Everything's bigger in The Big Apple!
Troll: I know. I told him that the kitty might win. He didn't care.
Czar: Those darn cats. Always showing up the humans.
K9: Bummer on the mange. Don't know what's worse. That, or the worms all three of the pups would contract during their bunny raids in the summer.
arm yourself, madam. and prepare for a visitation of the furry kind. i take no prisoners. but you can be sure that i will soon liberate your seed hoppers to feed my nation. let ALL of you be advised.
revolution! I bow down to my leader, Patton the Squirrel.
We are SO on.
Patton & Mr. Squirrel: Y'all know that I'm, like, the poster girl for the Second Amendment, right? So if it's a war you want, bring it.
I have sharp pointy teeth!
we're guerrillas, okay? we're lean. nimble. hard to shoot. sure youve got weapons but while you sleep we cut your electrical and chew your insulation up
and i am throwing in with the squirrels!
you are all welcome! Even the chickens.
I will seduce you with cookies and then you will be MINE!
If the cookies don't work, well, welcome to my leetle friends, Smith & Wesson
Oh the Wicked Tribe is so joining the War of the Nuts. You stinkin' squirrels are going DOWN!! Besides how can anyone take you guys seriously when we invent those swirly bird feeders and watch your furry butts go flying?
Bear (Dark Death That Lurks in Shadows), Sarah (Master of the Snatch and Gobble) and Jake (Sharp Eyed Tree Watcher) await your response as they lay beside their squirrel tail trophy pole.
Big Shamu (Tree Shaker, Squirrel Rain Giver)
Shamu: So, I can count on you to wield a weapon on Moi's side? We'll be outnumbered, I think, but the cause is just and good. And there will be cookies.
Count me and the three tree watching, dirt digging hounds in.
Cookies? (Shhhh, don't tell the squirrels our weakness!)
The Wicked Tribe reporting for DUTY!
I bet the squirrel population is out of control over there -- we had a good winter and we're having a good summer.
Squirrels and chipmunks, I have minimal romantic feelings about.
Y'all are in REAL trouble now. The Pirate has shown up.
I'm not scared of a Pirate! Or that Shamu either. We are uniting, growing bigger by the hour.....
we will be avenged!
can i interest you ladies in some of my home baked dark chocolate and pecan cookies?
warm oatmeal cookie with light glaze of tart and sweet lemon
chew chew chew
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I heard y'all needed some help over here with some varmints. It's CHOMPING TIME!!
reporting for duty Maximum Damage. Is this the locale? Looks good.
CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP. Those cookies better have nuts.
I'm off to get that Pirate!
christian leboutins for alla youse. just under that oak......
Good to see you MR Squirrel!! your black five special forces skills will come in quite handy. and may i be the first to say - nice prosthetic teeth! wow - you can really rip materials apart!!
my God this poor woman has no idea what is going down. bwwwwwhahahaahhaaha!
then where will IVAN be? stop the food supply - stop the dog!
Time to call in the big guns. I hear RAYRAY, Rachel Ray is teaming up with Martha Stewart and doing a full season of Backyard Cookin' featuring All Squirrel, All Season. The entire process from trapping, skinning, gutting to the various cooking methods. You may not be scared of our dogs but you will tremble in fear of our Domestic Divas. Martha alone can Evil Eye a squirrel right out of a tree and RayRay's laugh can stun the friskiest of tree rodent.
You have been WARNED!
We. Are Not. Scared. We will not. Surrender. We. Will Be Moving This War to a NEW POST IN THE A.M.! You have the evening to prepare . . . and make peace with your maker.
But, uhm, may I just take this detente-ish moment to comment: nice beret. For a terrorist! Bwahahahahaha!
Yeah, and: What Shamu said.
Thanks Maximum, can I call you "Max"? I've got the Albinos beginning to gather.... soon we will arrive to the place where our fallen comrade will be vindicated!
To Ivan's Commander... thanks! Now you die!
you must think we're dumb. sure our brains are small, but speaking relatively, for the size of your brains? ya'll aint brain surgeons.
we figure we get to your dogs? you ladies will crumble. and grovel. and beg our forgiveness. to save your widdle puppies.
rachel ray? thats all you got whale girl? grrraaaaaaaa!
shes terrifying i agree...but only to human men and competent female chefs
Obviously Monsieur Squirrel, you have never met Ms. Ray in person. RayRay and Martha together? Pots and pots of squirrel stew. I hear Martha even has a Polish recipe for squirrel.
As for hard times and Scarlet's radishes, I hear the trailer parks are already squirrel free. You keep gathering your forces and don't forget, if we could wipe out the carrier pigeon, we can wipe out you.
dear whale girl
everybody knows the squirrel recipe aint jack until it appears in "O" mag. for Oprah is the Kingpin of them all. 22 two marthas and one ray ray dont add up to one gail sized okra winfrey.
by the way, im no terrorist. im a freedom fighter. YALL are the terrorists. imperial prigs. that land you call your home? it was OUR land first. we didnt make no sales as i recall. yall are occupying forces. oppressors. insurgents!
Comrade Moi, I have secret photos to send you but no address. Most important. What should I do?
You forget, in addition to the Shamu on Moi's side, I have the Great Big Book of Cajun Cooking. We will slice. We will dice. We will flambe with cognac and serve over jasmine rice!
Shamu: Moi's missive was sent to you minutes ago.
P.S. Occupying forces, Moi's ass. We won out, fairly and squarely, given our status as two-legged, superior landscaping skilled beings!
yeah and weve got VOODOO on our side. tell the cajuns about that. hah!
jasmine rice is for dainty ladies. yall aint bad.
Dusk is settling. The day blinks to a close. Enjoy your nuts, you nuts. For tomorrow, MST, you die!
you see those blinking eyes in the dark, our Dear Moi?
Yeah, we're gathering... quietly moving in and the Dawn will bring a new day to you and your "friends."
All I can say is there are recipes for barbequed squirrel I have yet to try. Or fry. You may be small but I know how to turn on the grill. Try that without your opposable thumbs, furry nut eaters!
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