Sunday, October 4, 2009

Mute Monday: The Fall


Jenny said...

No, I wouldn't have expected anything else from you! HA! What a collection and it's interesting to see how it's been painted/etc over the centuries. I love the one of them in the jungle... lush green plants and they are walking, not the normal "stance".

Happy MM!

Pam said...

Oooh, I was thinking of going this route and now will have to think of something else. But *Bite the Apple* is so appropriate of a place for this theme! Okay, off to put my thinking cap on.

Buzz Kill said...

The perfect theme. Sometimes the stars and planets are aligned. Now if I could just get the theme to be "Suicidal Tendencies Brought On by Alleged Offspring", I would have the perfect theme. Grrhahahaha

Happy MM!

h said...

Brilliant. Classic. One wonders if any modern artists tackle such themes.

Happy Mute Monday!

P.S. Eve wasn't framed.

Kymical Reactions said...

you clever little Moi! Fantastic images. Happy MM.

MinorityReport said...

Such a great idea! I love the pics you found. Happy MM.

sparringK9 said...

but of course Moi!! i like #1 the best. i love the mediaeval forms. the ONLY choice for a blog called

bite the apple.

troll: yes modern artists paint this! the home of contemporary christian art is folk art. you still see adam and eve, crucifixions, people suffering in lakes of fire in hell, the Devil, saints and angels.

happy MM

Brian said...

I'm sensing a theme here...

The two reliefs at the top are very cool. The first one almost reminds me of the crest of Gondor in the Lord of the Rings (to be a geek for a moment...)

Happy MM!

Doris Rose said...

Great selections, thanks. Do you suppose it's still so easy to tempt?

fishy said...


ree said...

I was going to do the same I'm glad I let it to the expert. ;-)

Anonymous said...


czar said...

Gen. 3:14: So the LORD God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, Cursed are you above all the livestock and all the wild animals! You will crawl on your belly . . . all the days of your life."

The question is, how did the serpent get around before?

Doom said...

I would guess this was the ultimate, first, and last fall. The rest of the falls are minor. Apple pie, is it? *sigh* Interesting how falling can be so beautiful too.

Happy MM!

Vixen said...

Interesting take! Happy Monday!

Joanna Cake said...

LOL! Nice take x

Heather Cherry said...

Nice take!

Karl said...

Good evening Moi,

Very clever, a fall, I would not have thought of.

Not wanting to get off topic But, the idea of walking around all day with my private parts covered by leaves gives me an itch.

Aunty Belle said...

Heh...ya' KNOWS I love this take--but of course!!

Gnomeself Be True said...

Damn women!