Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Beet the Band

As judge of the last CULINARY THROW DOWN, Chef Troll bestowed upon Moi the honor of hosting the next bloggie cook-off and deciding its topic.

Ponder, if you will: the beet. Not only is it oh-so-brightly colored a fabulous deep fuchsia pink, it is also tasty, nutritious, and versatile. In fact, I think it's safe to say that there must be a bazillion delicious dishes one can cook up with beets in the starring role.

So, come on, grab your best apron, pick up your sharpest paring knife, and come up with one of those dishes. Cook it up, snap some photos, and post it to your blog on Wednesday, November 4th. Then skedaddle over here to leave a comment saying "I'm up!" We'll all be around to visit and our still-to-be-named judge will take 24 hours to bestow the Golden Chef award on the lucky ducky winner.

Those who think they'd be interested in participating – or judging – just give a shout out here.

There's another post up at the Bitches of Fashion for those of you who want to ponder a festive color of another kind. And I've got a cookie post brewing for Undaunted Baker, so stay tuned . . .


Gnomeself Be True said...

I loves me some beets.

Got some pickling right now.

Jenny said...

I'm in! I hate beets, so this should be fun.

LaDivaCucina said...

I hated beets until I got some fresh from the farm and roasted them. For once, they didn't taste like dirt!

Anonymous said...

beet gastronomy fusion freeze dried sorbet on a bed or heirloom beets julienne blah blah blah. beet ice cream? beet pudding? ewwwwwww


Karl said...

Good evening Moi,

Oh boy...we've got the Beet, we've got the Beet, yea we've got the Beet!

I haven't got a clue on this one, but I'll give it a shot.

Jenny said...

**steals ideas from K9***

moi said...

Gnome: Do you have Trader Joes out there? They have good pickled beets.

Boxer: A vegetemarian who hates a vegetable? Will that cause a rip in the space/time continuum?

La Diva: Farm fresh is always best!

Anon: Beet ice cream? I'd eat that. Then again, I'm Mikey.

Karl: Cool! The beet goes on.

Boxer: There ya go . . .

Buzz Kill said...

I don't know, beets are a tough item. They take a long ime to prepare (usually more than an hour - which is a long time for me). I'll see what I can come up with.

Doris Rose said...

Beets, mmmm yummo.

h said...

I am an eater of beets and a reader of Tom Robbins before he went on the boycott list.

I'm in as a contestant. NO idea what I'm going to do, but I know someone who HATES beets. If I can make them like something beetish, I'll have done a miracle.

moi said...

Buzz: Three words: Trader Joes; canned.

Doris Rose: That's how I've always felt!

Troll: Nothing beets a miracle. You go, dude!

Aunty Belle said...

I can see a beet/ raspberry sorbet. But a dunno....a beet smoothie might be the ticket hahahahahahahahaha!

LaDivaCucina said...

When I lived in 'tralia I owned a juicer and would juice the fresh beets too. Sure was sweet, that juice! But I could still taste that earthy beet taste!

Joanna Cake said...

I love beets, pickled or cooked and I love the smell at the greengrocers when he's just cooked a load. Ruf, however, hates them so it is unlikely that there is going to be a recipe from him. I will see if I can sort something out but Im not promising... either a recipe or anything that might be considered edible :)

Sparrow said...

Can anybody play? Because I have an old world recipe to beat the band! And are pickled beets allowed?

Anonymous said...

I've never worked with beets, but I've been wanting to join one of these competitions. I'm thinking of giving it a try!

moi said...

Aunty: Go for it!

La Diva: Mmmmm . . . I love that.

Joanna: I love it if you and/or Ruf played!

Sparrow: Yes on both counts. Please, join us!

Allison: Please do; they're lots of fun.