Thanks to Gnome for scouting this out. It is terribly funny. And written by a Canadian, no less. Here's one little gem:
The primary reason our womenfolk are at war with the looming spectre of the nanny state is because you can't buy Jimmy Choos in a socialist paradise . . . Basically, the world economy depends on right-wing women buying shoes.
Oh, and BEETS! Don't forget about the Culinary Throw Down featuring BEETS! Due to hit the blobs next Wednesday, November 4th. Here are the particulars.
Come on Party People, if you can't take a right wing joke, then make a left wing dish featuring the root vegetable we're all going to become mighty familiar with under the Brave New Socialist State!
Good stuff. I liked the part about driving across town to buy a carrot and feeling holier-than-thou about it.
I'm convinced I could open a restaurant serving 50 dollar clumps of dirt to leftists if I mouthed enough bromides about being "enviro-friendly", "sustainable agriculture", "localism" etc...
They wouldn't actually ENJOY eating dirt, but they'd certainly feel superior.
Troll: S.B. used to joke that the quickest way to get rich was to get into porn. Now he jokes the quickest way to get rich is to get green.
That Ian Robinson is a panic - "Come for the culture war ... stay for the chicks". Bwwhahaha
I've already done a beet blog Shamu that I will resubmit for Wednesday's challenge (nice to be ahead of schedule for once).
I can picture us all wearing babushkas and qued up for our daily beet ration. And porn is still the way to go for fun and profit. Now if I can just convince the Mrs...
Buzz: Yupsters, your Beet Post is duly noted. Would you like to serve as judge as well? Otherwise, it looks like I'm going to have to do it. Or bat it back to Troll.
Not only would the economy fall apart, but morale of half the population as well, if we women couldn't buy shoes. Men should WANT us happy. And these ..... *le sigh*. Wish I was 20's again and could wear such wonderfulness! Come PR snarking if you get the chance!
Pam is right "women not happy, noooooo body happy."
Moi: I don't have the time or the culinary chops to be a Throwdown judge (I made beet soup for christ's sake). So I will respectfully decline.Maybe you and Troll can split the judging duty (he said dewdy).
I'm hoping Boxer will volunteer because I made her favorite. Also, you have TTR readers inquiring about the contest at your original post.
Got 'em, Troll, thanks!
That article was a hoot.
I thought of you the instant I hit that "Jimmy Choo" line.
A gooberment that has the power to take Moi's Jimmy Choo-Choos has the power to take everything. Resistance is the only option.
roar! Hilarious stuff...the world economy depends on rw wimmen in jimmychoos---heck yeh!!!
but now...they have a whole other motive, ya know? The Rooskies wanted major BC before norplant, so they wrapped they wimmen in bolts of puce quiltin', fashionably paired wif' lumberjack boots put the ppl on beet & potato carb overload, hold the protein, hold the libido, birth rates plummet an' wimmin labor only at factories for the glorious revolution!
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