How is it that I didn't write this? Dang it.
But at least I'm not the only whack job out there.
He's kind of head trippy, but what the hey.
Eating doughnuts is an act of cult-cha, y'all!
"Such meaningful dimensions of cultural life and everyday identity are wrapped up in doughnuts."
"Doughnuts are the perfect commuter food. Cheap. Filling. Delicious. You can drive reasonably safely while eating a doughnut."
Yeah, buddy.
But at least I'm not the only whack job out there.
He's kind of head trippy, but what the hey.
Eating doughnuts is an act of cult-cha, y'all!
"Such meaningful dimensions of cultural life and everyday identity are wrapped up in doughnuts."
"Doughnuts are the perfect commuter food. Cheap. Filling. Delicious. You can drive reasonably safely while eating a doughnut."
Yeah, buddy.
Oh hell to the yes on the driver food. Plus the added bonus of envious drivers in the next lane.
Say, is that the Krispy Kreme Hot Donut Light I see shining in the distance...
**puts down coffee cup, picks up car keys and heads out to Top Pot**
Both of You: STOP IT! Then again, I have a lunch date today that takes me right by Dunkin. HELLO!
If you want to self-identify as the hecoon, you should let your inner-child eat doughnuts on the long commute tween the ranch of irrational fears and the oil wells of unconditional love.
I shouldn't have watched this! Although I have noticed powdered doughnuts are not a wise commuter choice, especially if you wear black ;-)
The donut is the unhealthiest food on earth isn't it - IMHO opinion not worth it for the heart disease, ring of fat around stomach - altho I can eat the huge vats of chocolate because it is an antioxidant.
BTW - STOP PRESS - Project Runway moves to Lifetime. Now that is embarassing. I mean that channel is embarassing.
Dr.Phil: That's, like, Texas speak, right? And wouldn't I be a SHEcoon?
Fishy: I was thinking the same thing, actually. And the glaze, it flakes off all over the lap. Best to eat whilst seated. Besides, you can't order MORE DOUGHNUTS if you're on the move.
Emma: That's okay, I'll just run an extra mile or fifty million. Oh man. Lifetime Movie Network: Where Formerly Hawt Twenty-Something Actresses Go to Whittle Away Their Forties.
omg this is making me hungry...
What I want to know is how in a good world Krispy Kreme locations could have gone out of business. Is it a sign of the end?
Wow, what a shiny pretty doughnut! Although, I prefer a chocolate or cinnamon cake doughnut to glazed any day. Heck, if we're being honest I prefer cupcakes, actually.
Don't be sassing me none, Lil Missy! I'll tan your britches faster than a bi-polar goat!
I totally identify with donuts. After all I am shaped like one.
I drive by one shop and walk by another everyday on the way to work and damn if it isn't the mightiest temptation to indulge myself in a half a dozen belly bombers.
I like the ones made out of bread that are onion-flavored.
Pirate: And we had the chance – it was in our power – to eat the sweets! And both of us were without our coupons.
Misty: I think if The Dunkin goes, we're all for certain doomed. So, save a business and make yourself slap happy silly off the sugar rush: visit a Dunkin today.
Heather: Well, I'll never turn down a cupcake, but in the end, to me, the ne plus ultra of so-bad-it's-so-good sweets is the doughnut. This was recently confirmed for me by a visit to Doughnut Mecca – Top Pot in Seattle.
Doc Phil: Well, the only reason why you haven't received a virtual slap upside the head with a Louboutin is because, deep down? You have a way with da poetic turn of phrase.
NYD: There are doughnuts in Japan? DUDE . . . Doughnuts AND sushi . . .
Chef Troll: Bonk.
I love them. I can't help it. But am probably the only person alive that doesn't get the Krispy Kreme thing. Give me the yummy cake donuts. Applesauce. Chocolate. And a big cup of coffee too please.
Oh Moi, you know how to turn a man on!!
Pam: I was never much of a fan of Krispy Creme, either. Too one note. Variety, now that's what makes the world go 'round.
WTWA: I bet you dream of doughnuts, don't you? Come on, you can admit it. You're among friends.
Yea, my interest in donuts in strictly anthropoligical.
DoNuts, just another evil American tool for cultural invasion.
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