And when I looked in their eyes, they were blue, but nobody home.

Listen, all you gub'ment jackasses out there: the economy sucks the big one because YOU'RE fiddling in it. This is no place for a full-on economic lesson, but good Lord, you guys, it's not that difficult. Go read Marx and Engels. Then take a peeky-peeky at Ludwig von Mises et al and tell me what makes more freakin' sense.
That is all.
And to McCain: find out where Spain is. Clue: it is NOT in South America.
Please, you don't want to get in an argument over the 57 states of America, do you?
I'll be in New Pensylvania when you decide...clinging to things.
Regulate the hell out of them or leave them to die on their own. One of the two. If we're going to pay for their f'ups, they need to live by strict rules.
I'm afraid I am unfamiliar with the Teutonic economic gurus, but we surely do have another "quagmire" and my livlihood is in great peril.
Emma: All politicians are equally stooooopid in my eyes. But oh, oh, oh, I am cringing 'specially hard this time around.
Iamnot: Yup. Either/or. Live/die. Do/don't. There is no try. Oh, and I'm not clinging. I'm locked and loaded :o)
Doris: Lively reading, really. You're retired. Make a cup of tea, settle in at the manse, give it a go.
yeah. its way past time for the pitchforks and torches. we need a big ass tea party of the revolutionary kind. im am sick of fraud and people who run companies into the ground rolling in the dough with their golden parachutes for being the worst CEO's ever...and then going on to work for politicians. sickening.
Right on! Get the Fug out.
(happy Friday!!)
I'm thinking about packing my shit up and moving to Costa Rica.
Does Costa Rica have nuts?
As I've said before, you can't beat Martin Sheen for Prez! He'd be ace!
Nuts, did someone say "nuts?"
K9 Mmmm . . . can we have cake with that tea?
AB: If I quit watching the Talking Blabbermouths, it will be. Must. Stay away. From the. News.
WTWA: I know lots of folks thinking the exact same thing. Okay, y'all, let's pack up and take over a small South'merican country! Leave those two idiots going, "Where'd everyone go?"
NutBuddy: No. Now, shoo before I send the Ivanator after you.
Poet: I dunno. He raised a coupla strange boys, there.
Sgt.Stones: (Aw, frig.) NO! NO ONE SAID NUTS! Now, shoo before I am forced to recruit you into my Libertamarian Army.
Actually, Costa Rica produces macadamia nuts!
One of my favorites.
dammiti cant log on and be lt maximum damage!!!
checkin in! good to see ya sgt. stone d'angles!! i like brazil! the nuts are BIG.
I prefer my nuts salted with a tase of red pepper.
I see you little freaks are back. Devil Kitty is coming for YOU!! Sharp fangies dripping with squirrel plasma.
Who let the squirrels out?
Honestly, now that I am on a trading floor - all the crap of the politicians irked me this week.
Those CEO's need to be fucking put in jail.
Ironically, I met my CEO day one because the market was crashing...he is a solid, nice dude who thank god isnt like those other bastards.
Hello Squirrel Boys, are ya glad to see me?
Oh BABY!! Hit 'em again, harder, harder! Youse tellin' them fruitbrains!!!
Let it all fall, I say. When the ground is level, certain sorts will rebuild. Better.
Jes a thought: our livlihoods is in peril, an' it's a good thang we's noticin'...cause mebbe, mebbe, we refused to notice that our SOCIETY was in peril. When all any of us'uns thinks about is 24-7 rap or People mag/rag, or Brad, Angelina, Jennifer trois'....or
gimme-somethang-fer-nothin' gubmint giveaways...heh, the whole fake shebang goes bust.
(oh, an fer the record,Moi, mah favorite colors is forest green and copper)
Anyone see Andrew Sullivan on Bill Maher's Real Time last night? His assessment of the current financial crisis can only be described as Spot On. He says things no one has had the guts to say on public television so far. I'm going to try and find video to post soon. But if you can find it, watch it. It's right at the beginning of the panel.
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