I bet you all thought it was going to be something with a heel, right? Actually, these are, Scout's Honor, cross my heart, the first pair of shoes I've purchased all winter. It's too cold for anything but boots, and besides, I can't run in the snow with heels. I can barely run in the snow with these, although that's exactly what I'm doing this Saturday morning at the top of the Sandia Mountains. 5K, through the snow, uphill.
At least it's not backwards. And, there will be refreshments before and after the race. Lots and lots of refreshments. Which is always my primary motivation for just about everything I do. "Does that ass-kicking happen to come with a martini? I'll take it."
Note to Karl: the race is at 10,600 feet. I live and work at 7,500 feet. I have no idea how it is that I'm still breathing, except from what little research I've done on high altitude living, it seems we eventually become acclimated even if the blood isn't flowing as fast or as fully. Which could explain a few things.
Good luck on the 5K, Moi. And I'll bet those pancakes will taste good no matter what. I look forward to a full report on the refreshments :)
It took me a couple of minutes to figure out that was a snow shoe. It looks like a kid's Star Wars space ship. I hope it gets you up the hill to the pancakes that await you at the top.
Sweet. I atill haven't bought any yet. Still looking. Can't find anything *ahem* that I like (read: I'm being cheap).
A 5K in the winter? In snow shoes?That's crazy talk.
Good Morning Moi,
10 to 12,000 feet is a pretty common exit altitude for a skydive. Above 15,000, you exit with oxygen. So no, I don't know how your breathing either. I did a project once at 6,500 feet we had to carry most of the gear in by hand. The altitude really took it out of me. We were only there a month and I never really acclimated to it. Dives we were making in 80 feet of water when adjusted for altitude, it put us onto 120 foot decompression schedule.
That run looks like it would be a lot of fun at sea level. Way up there, I think I'd hang out at the finish line. Ready to hand you hot pancakes and a cold martini after you break the tape crossing the finish line. Best of luck!
By the way, those shoes may not have a high heel, but it looks like they have an open toe.
Eggy: It's getting to the point where I'm really picky about my pancakes. Some people like thin and small. I'm pro-plate-sized and fluffy all the way. With a lot of bacon.
Buzz: And the spikes on the bottom make it a nifty weapon in a pinch.
MRM: Do you have a local ski and snowshoe swap? Used is a great way to go, especially if you can't decide which brand to buy.
Karl: Open toe? Bwahahahahaha! Good one. You didn't acclimate after a month? That's unusual, I would think. Still, altitude is no joke. We caution our guests to drink lots of water, wear sunscreen 24/7, and watch the booze. One beer up here and it's la la la for most.
i could have used these all last week. I have some columbia snow boots and thank God i did. these look like super cool gear. Im looking forward to hearing about the race. go moi, GO!
First, I bet you COULD run in heels, just saying.
I'm so impressed with your desire to run in snow. I'm happy if I don't fall over into a drift in the parking lot.
I didn't about the high altitude when you told me about this race, so that makes you EXTRA rock star like. You'll do great and those pancakes? I think you would have earned some bacon to go along with it.
Eeek 10,000 feet?! YIKES! I am already wheezing! I love them high tech snow shoes though, how very cool! (and I DO hope you have some green accent accessories?) I would like walking in the snow in them...er, do you really RUN in those?
Moi, I agree with your comment to Eggy about pancake preferences, I like the fluffy, cake like pannacakes too. when I lived in Sydney, they made pancakes that were more like crepes. I sure did miss American breakfast when I lived there and had to go to a Yankee place in Kings Cross when I had the hankerin'. Good luck, Chica! xo
Chickory: Snowshoes help, most certainly. AND, they're fun! Are your winters usually this snowy, though, or is this year a big time exception?
Boxer: However, I do not believe they will be serving martinis. Boo. Which is fine because I do have to drive myself back DOWN the mountain.
La Diva: These are Crescent Moons and are built specifically for running on packed snow. My other pair are regular back country snowshoes, which are designed for deep powder conditions. Oh, and any American restaurant that serves a crepe-like pancake must be beat about the head with a leather glove. That's just wrong, wrong, wrong, but, sadly, I've seen it done.
Very weird. We get snow but usually very light and in february. and these things are called crescent moon? and you didnt write a haiku about them?
it would take a few martinis just to get me to sign up for this race.
I find the prospect of Boxer running in snowshoes after a few martinis, highly entertaining.
Chickory: No, because I did not yet know whether they were worthy of a haiku.
Made in Boulder by
hippies, shoe for snow propels
Moi across mountain.
Boxer: Come on, you box fer cryin' out loud. Although, I kind of like the idea of drunk and stumble snowshoe running.
Karl: Can one dive drunk? Best not, I would assume.
Seriously, how do you actually RUN in such a large, long shoe? I'm curious to know.
BTW, I got those pancakes in Australia, never here. NEVER!!!!! hahah! I used to love THIS PLACE when I lived in L.A. but still prefer big, fluffy plain pancakes with real buttah and maple syrup...maybe I'll make pancakes for dinner?!
La Diva: Hey now, those Scotch on the Rocks pancakes could easily entice me to end my boycott of Hell-Lay. Then again, I COULD just make them at home. Actually, the shoes aren't that long and they're ergonomically designed (by hippies!) for proper stride and foot placement. At least, that's the plan.
Cold. So very cold. And vertical.
Very vertical.
At that altitude I am not sure I could find the breath to stand on the sidelines and cheer. I think I am like Karl, meant to live at sea level as I just do not adapt to altitude changes well. I am uber impressed you are participating in this race. Like the others I see not how those devises can be called "shoes" let alone think about running in them. YOU do sound both eager and excited about more than the pannacakes. The BEST cakes are buttermilk, fluffy, generous and slathered in European sf butter.
Have you run in these before?
you mock and yet your feet love us.
Boxer: Don't worry; you'll work up a sweat pretty quickly.
Fishy: Ja. I took them out for a trial run last Saturday. They work great.
Hippie: Thistle, is that you?
LOL @ BuzzKill.
Run? I'm sorry, that just does not compute at normal sea-level conditions; much less under conditions whereby you'd be jumping out of an aircraft.
But, good for you. I'll be thinking of you sprinting across the snow in your new open toed shoes.
Go girl!!!
Yes, you can dive drunk. But like driving drunk, it's a quick way to get dead.
Shame you have to drive yourself home. I take it SB not running?
Roses: Now there's a silly activity. Why would anyone want to jump out of a perfectly good plane?
Karl: S.B. dives, but so far I haven't mustered the cojones to learn. Sober or no. And no, he isn't running because originally he thought he'd be out of town. Boo. Maybe he'll come up with one of the dogs and hike another route, though.
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