Feeling like you need something sweet in your Mother's Day Sunday, regardless of whether or not you've birthed yourself some babies? Come on over to The Undaunted Baker for Dim Sum Sunday. Those of you who are mothers, I hope your day is totally splendid and you are showered with love, Chanel, or whatever the equivalent is for you. For those of you who are not, I raise a glass as well, and say, Whoo Hoo! Drunk again on a Sunday!
On my way!
I actually think all of my friends with four legged children should have very special celebrations on Mother's Day. I am certain both of your dogs celebrate you regularly.
If they are smart :-)
Moi, Cherie, all ladies mama somebody-- yore niece is nurtured by Aunty Moi!
I have no kids but celebrate every Mother's Day as another year in which I have managed to avoid becoming a baby momma.
Wooo! Drink to that.
You seem to have visions of sugar plums for your "Mother's Day" daydream. At the Kill house it usually (and this year was no exception) starts off good but once the presents are done, the mood of both the kids and the Mrs degenerates rapidly. By mid day they're all miserable and I'm cought in the middle. It's mostly the mouth on The Boy that starts the downward spiral. I'm always glad when it's over.
Good afternoon Moi,
Nice way to spend a Sunday. Hope you had fun.
Fishy: A day free from sweeping up dog hair would be a great start!
Aunty: True that :o)
Roxanne-and-Lorraine: Thanks for dropping by Moi's blob! You gals stay out of trouble, ya hear?
Buzz: Kids. Can't live with 'em; can't duct tape their mouths shut.
Karl: I hope you enjoyed it as well!
I saw your comment at Aunty Belle's. The white noise machine, does it really work? Does require headphones? If yes to the former and no to the latter, where can I find one?
You REALLY dig the Chanel, don't you, Moi ?
Oh, and I took care of informing Karl about a good white noise machine, lol !
Karl: I'd recommend anything made by Sound-Oasis. They're the bomb.
Heff: Your recommendation didn't involve beer by any chance, did it? As for the Chanel, what, you thought I was kidding? I do not kid, when it comes to the Chanel.
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