You know the joke, "There is only one fruitcake in the entire world, and people keep sending it to each other." Well, I'm pretty sure it's true, and I pretty much consider fruitcake an insult to the fine art of baking. Like our Congress, the traditional mixture of fruit, cake, and nuts results in something not only freakishly unattractive, but also decidedly unpalatable. Both should be thrown out immediately before someone gets hurt.
However. That does not mean one cannot successfully mix these three elements into a batter and create something not only inoffensive, but also divinely edible.
Seriously. I have done it.
Head on over to the Undaunted Baker and see for yourself.
I trust you Moi-ster. I'm making my traditional candy cane bread tomorrow, but I may also throw your recipe into the mix too.
I trust you too! In fact, I think I'll try it out for the New Years shin dig at the work place!
It looks delish - more like a quick bread. Which I'm all about for sure. Have you ever had Christmas Pudding (English style)? First time you have you think blechhhhh. Second time, hmmmm, maybe okay. Third time ... it is an addiction.
Heh...the fruitcake rescue!
Today I was given some Christmas Crack--had that one yet? Well, it is good--a candy cookie made on a saltine. No idea how t'was made, but rescuin' crackers is right up thar' wif fruitcake.
Catchin' up: Them boots is even fuglier 'cause of the telephone post shaped laigs IN the boots.
I cain't see the pics on the doan worry be happy post.
You are a silly fruitcake.
When this post title popped up on my Blog List sidebar I thought you were again making one of your excellent observations about our many national or local politicians.
Boxer: Candy Cane Bread? You mean you're actually turning on an oven? Do tell . . .
Kym: If you do, let me know how it comes out!
Pam: No, I've always thought English Cuisine was an oxymoron, but I looked this up and it certainly looks palatable. How long do you store yours? 'Cause that two-year thing has me just a tad worried. And, I found a recipe that uses something called Weetabix? What the fork?
Aunty: Nope, had to look that one up, too. Good gosh, that looks ADDICTIVE! Next year.
WTWA: Angling for some cake, eh?
Shamu: Well. Yeah. My posts are multi-functional.
Ok, don't tell Shamu: today I've made one regular meatloaf (family tradition) one vegetarian meatloaf, twice baked potatoes and sugar cookies.
The candy cane bread is up next, but so is the vodka, so let's hope....... xoxox.
You couldn't possibly be correct about fruitcakes. I should know all about them since I live in LA. Trust me when I tell you that there are MILLIONS of fruitcakes living in LA!
Boxer: You should start a blog: Cooking Loaded!
Marko: Do they all have plastic surgeons, I wonder?
It's the dang super sweet chemical fruit I just loathe in a fruitcake! Your cakes sounds dee-lish! (I have so many of your fabulous recipes, Moi, maybe I should try actually "making" some of them but I don't bake that much...)
As for Boxer: YOU MADE A "MEAT" MEAT LOAF AND A VEGGIE ONE AND A CAKE?!!! I am SOOO telling Shamu! Do you have trouble making meat dishes?
The dueling meatloafs reminds me of the time we had some vegetarians over for dinner. I made some kind of tortellini soup thing in the crockpot (which was actually sorta good), and my wife made some side vegetables the way she usually cooks them -- southern-style (you know where this is heading). The vegetarians went home satiated and raved about the meal later. Only a couple days afterward did we realize, I guess they didn't mind the bacon drippings in the collards.
La Diva: Too bad we can't team up. You cook. I bake. Together, we afford Louboutins.
Czar: Culinary subversives! I love it.
Si, sister, wish I was closer to all of youse! haha!
LaDiva - I'm just ok with cooking with meat, but this for my family's christmas and the meatloaf is a tradition that extends beyond my desire not to eat it. and btw??
It all turned out. Mr.Boxer said "look you're cooking!" and I said "shhhhhh, don't tell anyone I'm actully enjoying this." hee.
SHAM! Are you getting any of this?!
Boxer, we need PHOTOGRAPHIC proof! Or a video :o)
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