I do so hope her handlers put her in something Oscar de la Renta-ey.

And I think she could totally pull off this Marni get up, too.

Aw, heck, while I'm hallucinating, let's go all out and imagine her in some Alexander McQueen.

See now, Hillary? That's a pantsuit.
The only thing preventing me from indulging in my own form of retail therapy is that I'm not allowed to leave the house until 9:00 a.m. Friday morning. But when I do, I think I'll have to make these mine, all mine. I know. I swore I'd never, never, never, never, never do the bootie thing. But, look, I figure if I smack myself silly beforehand and blame it all on my stress induced twilight zone, I'll be okay.

Oh Dear, you've been chained to your laptop until deadline day? You can't even PEEK at Zappos for a leetle inspiration?
I think the bootie thing can be done with the right amount of shine. :-)
Countdown..... you'll make it.
AB: Dahlink, I'm so chained I could work for Trent Reznor. But if you want to peek at Zappos por Moi and send me a linkee or two? Jus' sayin'.
I think the secret to the bootie is a pencil skirt and same colored tights on the legs. Or chunky knit on top, stovepipe jeans on bottom. That's my story at any rate, and I'm sticking to it. Besides, I'm not living in the real world right now.
She wore a Virago Blue sack-dress and Succubus Silver earrings. Not sure what they call that hairdo she sports. The Mary Tyler Moore circa 1975?
Dang, that neckline didn't do her shoulders any favors. I like the 'do, though. It's sassy.
I thought Michelle was FABulous, looked beautiful sounded even better.And I think she could wear those shoes.
I even think Uncle Teddy looked danged good-IV included.
Breathe, breathe, breathe
I invented "bootie shoes" that look sort of like men's wing-tips.
I prefer la la to blah blah too. In fact some of the politician's blah blah is turning me la la.
Haven't started seeing mirages of pantsuits just yet though. Boy, you've got it bad!
I so envy people who can afford to buy stuff they can't walk in too - now THERE'S disposable income!
Ooooh! That Oscar dress!
Those shoes remind me too much of 1985.
Then again, I said I'd never buy a pair of skinny jeans, and then J Brand sucked me in (ha! literally!).
ah, dunno. That McQueen puddles up at the floor--trippin' and fallin' on stage ain't too cool no matter what youse wearin'.
Anyhoo...doan be heppin' the demoncrats. Ain't fittin'.
oh..an' I'se still in salt mine mode too--comiseratin' wif' ya, PresMoi
( lettin' ya in on a teeny secret--at least, ho ho , at least, I git to vent on the obamageddon to come)
fifty million designer dresses could not distract from the fact of a speech completely lacking in CONTENT. these people are the most vague and full of shite people i have ever seen.
good luck moi on making deadline!
Doris: Teddy toting an IV - I will refrain from commenting on what coulda been inside.
Al: And I will use mine to beat you about the head.
Poet: I dreamed last night of pantsuits. Or was that Paris? Or Istanbul? At any rate, I was in those shoes. Walking just fine.
Aunty: Well, I guess if it weren't for deadlines, writers wouldn't write. They'd just think about writing.
K9: See above. Deadlines, good. Just. Not this. Tight. Hack. Cough. Sputter.
Mandy: Whoops, sorry. Anyhoo. Oscar de la Renta is who I'd wear if I had reason to. Deeeee-vine. As for skinny jeans, don't feel bad. I was sucked in by a $35 pair from the Gap.
I'm too short for skinny jeans. Boo.
Stay focused.
**hands a fresh Fresca to Moi**
Oscar? Oh, moan...yes yes yes!!!
I am a slug, goofin' off....clock tickin'.
A girl who can learn to love bootie shoes can learn to love crocs. I'm just sayin'.
Sorry zoned out there, my same sex nature somehow tunes out any clothing and shoes you can't change a tire or play 18 holes of golf in.
You girly girls have your fun now. Call me when you're ready to eat.
Way too many girly girls and shoe talks in here. Somebody get a can of beer and turn on ESPN.
AB: Or coffee. Lots of coffee.
Aunty: I have to take a break every two hours. I have a very clean house as a result.
Wicked: Now, now. Booties are edgey and avant garde. Crocs are just moronic. Unless you're a professional chef. Which .5678 percent of us are. So there ya go. Next?
Shamu: Hey, I golf, too! Have you seen my golf fashion posts? :o)
WTWA: Wuss.
Say that while smashing a beer can on your head and I might be impressed.
You are correct, I will go hunting for golf outfits. Does Manolo design golf shoes?
WTWA: Uh, that would ruin my manicure. But I can shoot one from 100 paces, if that counts.
Shamu: No, but I think Ralph Lauren does.
I am curious about the imaginary nicotine. That would have been a good one back in the dorm room. "Oh, that smell? It's just imaginary nicotine."
Low-grade panic has shaved approximately fifteen pounds off my fat white @ss since March. Not a diet I'd recommend, but it's effective.
Big shamu: I'm ready to eat now.
Wicked, I think we are cooking up some lamb this weekend over on the blog, bring your drool bib. In the meantime enjoy Nature's Skittles.
Uh, Wicked, strike that about the lamb. I have some nice peppers if you are interested?
The fashion mag supplement to the New Yorker came yesterday...I think I want it ALL!
Shamu: I'm in for the peppers. We'll stuff 'em with Nature's Skittles and grill 'em and eat 'em up right.
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