So much so, my brain instantly shut down and I spent an hour watching Madonna catch flies while marveling at how the hummingbirds manage to stay completely out of the way of her web. Nature's so clev-ah.
This photo shows her stalking. (Clicky all photos for maximum effect. Come on, Wicked, you can do it.)

This one is her home in perspective. Can't see it too well, but there's a huge-ass web there in the corner. Actually, it's three webs, overlaying each other. She's obviously a Republitard spider because she can't remember how many homes she has.

These are the hummingbirds - black-chinned, Rufous, and broad-tailed. Each hates the other. Every day, hummingbird wars ensue. And I go broke filling the feeder.

At least the Rufous will be leaving for Oaxaca any day now and the broad-tailed and black-chinned will be left to duke it out amongst themselves for another 3-4 weeks. And I won't have to keep running to Sam's Club every 2.4 seconds for sugar.
Now, excuse ay Moi, I have to take a nap before the DNC tonight. Gubnor Bill Richardson speaks tonight and I want to see if Il Duce bothered to shave.
One of my employees left to go to the DNC. They had to be there between 1p and 2p. It is crazy around here. The humming birds are being frisked before feeding and the spiders are wearing dark sunglasses. You know they are packing heat.
spoke with the other il duce today -- the one residing in his vermont dacha (sorry for mixing fascist metaphors) -- about some future project, which he said was the only thing coming to me soon. i asked, "what about the water company thing?" he said, "oh yeah." not that you should feel your labor is going for nothing, of course. . . .
You've confused Mussolini with Richardson. The latter is "El Douche Baggito".
Moi's future, but with spiders:
that is a big ass spider.
WTWA: And I bet their auras smile and never frown . . .
Czar: I know, huh? Rome burns and he goes to Vermont. Now we're really mixing metaphors.
Troll: Or "Burrito."
Wicked: Oy. Don't let PETA see that video. They'll be crying about all the dead song birds.
Pirate: Yes, and you should see her ass – it's BIG!
I totally understand why you spent an hour just staring at something else working really hard.
Welcome back
Glad to hear Madonna is alive and well. Thanks for your referral, I won't take that bait again.
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