In an effort to curb what I am beginning to regard within myself as a dangerous tendency towards rampant materialism, I have decided to use this, the first day of April, to define for myself a new identity. One that has less to do with gobbling up shiny objects and more to do with letting go of those objects via eBay and communing instead only with those things that have real meaning and purpose.
Which, of course, means a redefined approach to my wardrobe as well. After all, one needs a certain kind of outfit to go with one's new found minimalist philosophy of down-to-earthedness. So, no more lusting after the new
Burberry Prorsum Ankle Wrap Sandals and
Oscar de la Renta party dresses. Instead, something less blingy and more, uh,
crunchy is in order here:

to go with:
You ALMOST had me.
But it was the red "Little House oon the Prairie" dress that made me realize;
april fools!!!!!!!!!!!
Very funny. :-)
well red is flattering.... (?)
Hey Moi - wanted to check in - you mentioned Tanzania. I have friends who run a safari business there. I took their safari last year. Also might be able to give you other ideas, depending on where you're going. I was in Dar, Arusha then on safari and then back to Dar, then Zanzibar.
Have fun!
...but if Anna Wintour would say that's the new thing, the fashion victims would wear that shit^^
what were you doing in my closet?
AB: Yer quick :o)
Pink: Howdy and welcome to Da Blob. Re: Tanzania. I'd love to learn more. I left a note on your most recent post.
Chili: Yes. Who will end Anna's Reign of Terror? Anyone?
Pirate: The day you put on a Gunny Sack is the day I eat my running shoes.
I know unless you were struck by lightening, you'd NEVER wear those fugly sandals. Materialism or NO materialism.
AB: Because if I were struck by lightening and LIVED to have to wear those sandals it would mean, alas, that I was thoroughly gorked and, therefore, not responsible for my fug-ass fashion choices.
I think I would have started to cry at the sight of those sandals if it wasnt April 1st. :)
yore bare feets is pretty 'nough. No brunhilde sandals fer our MOI!
Ya headed to Tanzania?
Wait wait wait!
That lettuce colored Oscar? I jes' bought the matchin' bag. Venetta style, wif' woven lettuce green leather, chocolate leather trim--it ain't goin' to go ter Ebay, thas' fer sure. (But hey--I din't git no Easter Bonnet this year. Or a choc rrabbit, for that matter. )
Stop it. Just stop it.
Thursday: Fashion should never make one cry. Never. Well, excepting when the bill arrives. But other than that: never.
Aunty: I have a feeling you feel about handbags like I feel about shoes, hmmm? And will you be posting a photo of that bag, 'cause I need to enjoy it if only virtually. And yes, we're thinking of a Tanzania trek, up the mountain and then on safari.
Thistle: Hey now, you know I won't. Not until I purge this world of ever' last one of those Gunny Sacks and clodhopper sandals.
I see you can't even include a picture of crocs when yer wholly foolin'.
Love the Laura Ingalls Wilder look. But seriously, I own Birks. Fuck off, I'm pregnant.
Meghan: You get a special dispensation for being pregnant with a future rock star who is going to get Moi into the concerts of her choice. Now, go in peace and try not to wear them too often out in public :o).
I might be late getting here, but there is no way I'm gonna click on those links. I've already fallen for too many April fool's pranks this year, thank you.
nyd: Actually, this is more likely a case of: you don't want your WIFE to click on those links.
hell froze over today.
by the way, moi, i can get you those oscar de la renta party dresses. as many as you want. just say the word.
Honey, I got shoes fer ya---come see.
Make that TWO rock stars from whom you'll get the VIP treatment.
Oh, and... you’ve been tagged!
Devil: You trying to tempt Moi to the dark side? I CAN resist, you know. But, uh, just in case, what are the terms?
Aunty: Oooo, goody!
Meghan: Good, because I am now sick as a dog (twice in one year, WTF?) and got nothin' for da blob.
Oh I do have to confess to my ownBirkenstock habit now...NOT that particular model though. Gizeh's only, and even then, only when I'm on the mummy trail.
But let it be said that I will never been seen in Crocs or anything resembling them, unless someone glues them onto my cold carcass as a final sick joke...
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