So, okay, back to our regularly scheduled program:
Which Hollywood crackhead, uh, sorry, genius producer, thought this one up? I demand to know.
Elijah Wood to play Iggy Pop? What's next, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie to star in Atlas Shrugged? Oh, gawd. The world is spinning out of control.
Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against Elijah Wood, per se. Even if he did spend the entire LOTR series looking like he needed to take a serious poopie, and we won't even go there with Everything is Illuminated , although, to be fair, the movie was bound to be a stinker to begin with (am I the only person in the universe who hated the book? Anyone?) But over all, I think Elijah has a wee bit of talent as well as an oddly compelling, creamy/dreamy pre-adolescent cuteness that can make him interesting to watch. If you happen to be a pre-adolescent girl. Or a gay man.
But, really, Iggy?
From this:

To this?

Why oh why didn't the producers just give Ewan MacGregor a ringy dingy? He did Iggy once, to fine accord, and he's already got the penis wagging thing down cold. I don't think I want to see Elijah's woody. Do I? No, I'm pretty sure I do not.
1 comment:
Welcome back!I read your Wood/Pop--and don't know what to say. Don't know enough about much to learn.Glad you're connected.
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