I just found out Dave Mustaine is going to be at a local Borders bookstore on August 26 to sign copies of his memoirs. Am I gonna be there? What, are you kidding me? The man who has written what are perhaps some of the best thrash metal, anti-government songs ever and I'm going to pass up the chance to shake his hand? Not a chance.
A timely blog Moi. My son won tickets to see Megadeath (with Slayer and Testament as part of the American Carnage Tour - love that name) for this Sunday (August 15th) in Camden NJ. Unfortunately for him the Mrs said "Hell no" unless I was willing to go. Cheap Trick is about as loud as I go, so I took a pass.
Buzz: I'd be hard pressed to make it through Slayer, and in fact am surprised Mustaine, who is born-again, is touring with them. But Megadeath is awesome live. Tight, tight.
No idea who this guy is (out of my range of reference), but he will get out of there not knowing the honor of shaking your hand.
I ushered one time for a heavy-metal extravaganza back at Atlanta's Fox Theatre in the mid-1980s. Had to leave about halfway through when I realized I was losing my equilibrium from the sonic assault. Ah, those were the days.
"The American Carnage Tour" is a wonderful moniker, though. Perfect for an election-season romp through the States.
Maybe he can compose some new music for Moi's Revolucion'???
Czar: Founding member of Metallica. Got himself kicked out; formed Megadeath; wrote better songs. Considered, among the people who have nothing better to do than consider these things, as one of the all-time great heavy metal guitar stylists.
Pam: He's pretty plugged in to La Revolucion. Has made appearances on libertarian Alex Jones' radio show and continues to be a vocal critic of the U.N. and what certain conspiracy theorists see as an emerging bureaucratic collectivist one-world government (New World Order).
I STILL wonder EXACTLY how "Born Again" Mustaine actually IS.
I mean, he STILL holds a grudge for being kicked out of Metallica back in the day.
"Forgive, Dave....FORGIVE !!"
Heff: Right-o. It's like, "Physician, heal thyself!"
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