One week from tomorrow, I'm going to be a participant in an all-day University of New Mexico study of a neurological phenomenon that Wikipedia describes as occurring when, "stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway."
In other words, those of you who have always suspected I'm the oddest duck in the pond can now stamp a big-ass ol' scientific word right on my forehead to explain it all: Synesthetic.
I didn't know I was synesthetic until recently. I think it explains a lot. Or, at least, I plan to use it to explain a lot. Like, "Why no, officer, I didn't realize I was doing 112 in a 45 mph zone, I have this condition, see . . . " Or, "Those shoes? Uh, no. They're not new. I've had them for ages. I'm only just now getting around to wearing them."
Why, my wonky neural pathways could even be the reason why about once a week or so my brain decides to snatch me from the lulling embrace of a dead-to-the-world sleep and plonk me in the middle of a series of day glo bright dreamscape adventures whose convoluted plots and blaring MTV-style soundtracks all seem to make perfectly good sense at the time. Zac Posen-wearing Ninjas? 'kay. A superpower that allows me to spew fire out of my nostrils? Sounds about right. A secret assignation in a Berlin bar in which, in between puffs on one Camel Light after the other, I am speaking flawless Russian while "I'll Be You" by the Replacements thumps along in the background? Cool.
Only, now? I want a cigarette, a drink, and I can't get the song out of my head. I wanted to share it with you because "I'll Be You" is one of the greatest pop songs ever written, but dumb ass You Tube has disabled the original video and all that's left is this scratchy concert footage from somewhere in Rotterdam in 1991. So if you want to hear it in all its fabulousness, you'll have head to iTunes and download it. By the way, it's colored purple.
I used to be "white." Now what am I?
Ends up Z didn't take over the government...that O thing did.
And what color would YOUR Lamborghini be?
Gnome: You're yellow. Shame about O, no?
Shamu: The word Lamborghini is orange. However, my sports car choice of color will always be red. Although, there's a kind of sea foam bluish-green that Chevy was painting its Mako Shark style Corvettes for a while that I really like . . .
I read the old post but remain confuzzled. Have you actually been DIAGNOSED BY A DOCTOR as having that condition? In the old post you just said "I realized".
oh, well, if it is colored purple...
I likes odd folks.
Orange Lamborghini? Okay..'specially iffin' it leans toward copper--Hoo,whee! A COPPER colored Lamborghini?
Gun Metal Blue for my sports car please.
Troll: It's not a medical condition (although some regard it as a form of autism), and you can't diagnose it except anecdotally at this point (hence, the UNM study). Synesthesia is a neurological response that one "realizes" they have because they discover that most of the people around them do not. I "realized" I had it when I asked someone what color their Tuesday was and they looked at me like I was bat shit crazy. No one I asked assigned colors to letters, words, objects, or concepts. Nor did they "order" time in three dimensions in their heads or "feel" words or concepts.
Aunty: The word Lamborghini is orange. I like a red sports car myself :o). But copper is cool for, say, an El Camino.
Gnome: That's pretty but gets too dirty.
I invented yanking decent videos off of YouTube.
This is true.
I really did.
that was a pretty fascinating conversation I had with you by the pool regarding this. Good luck next week and I think we're all very interested to know what they discover. And good for you for being willing to participate.
Al: You are always in my dreams. As target practice.
Boxer: I'm freaking a little on the MRI, but what the hey. Great fodder for future work and dinner conversation.
Dang, don't have it so no explanation as to why people look at me like I'm bat shit crazy.
I so get this! Well at least a tiny little part of it.
Blowfish has a particularly strident piece of jazz he likes to listen to. I CANNOT BE IN THE HOUSE WHEN HE PLAYS IT! I will stomp into his retreat and yell horrible things at him for playing that awfulness within my hearing.
Once he decided to serve some wine and cheese and TRY to make it past my reaction to explain to me why he liked the music and it's "complexities".
I yelled some more and to the utter surprise of us both I found myself saying, " Damnit Blowfish you have got to stop playing that music that puts me square in the middle of la Guernica hearing all those animals shrieking through maiming and death."
Upon furthur exploration I "realized" that somewhere in that "complexity" Blowfish was enjoying was some sort of mighty trigger that quite literally makes me feel like I am inside that painting, suffering and shrieking with all the others!
Things get to calm at the Pond and Blowfish wants a little excitement, he puts that music on.
So I take it that you dream in color? I did a mini study about this in a college course last year. Most people don't dream in color, or even imagine in color. I think you're one cool duck, Moi. It's just one of your cool little quirks that make you, you!
I don't dream in color, but when I close my eyes and try to visualize something it's in color. Interesting...
Shamu: Maybe it's because you'd be willing to eat rattlesnake?
Fishy: There is a form of synesthesia in which people relate sounds and colors to emotions – even smells. Sounds like you've got a bit of that going on. Although, let's be honest, who actually, really TRULY likes jazz? Anyone?
kmwthay: Quirk to some, annoyance to others. I appreciate you being in the first category :o)
This is fascinating. Ask the researchers if animals can do this.
Wow. I have never heard of such a thing but I am totally fascinated by it. You are obviously highly functional for sure! I wonder if people have the same colors for the same things? What color am I?
wow. my dreams are not that good. and thats if i can remember them. you know, red cars are like a cape to bull. with the synethsesia shouldnt you do art? im thinking work these things into performance?
i like jazz. quite a bit. miles davis in particular. spanish key is my favorite. when i listen to it, i think i dropped acid! now, thats fun!
oh. my color is black and tan. howwwwwwwwwl.
Troll: You are dark purplish-blue.
Pam: You are cornflower blue. And I'm laughing my ass off at your comment that I'm highly functional. I'll have to remind S.B. of that more often.
K9: I'm a very vivid dreamer as a rule. It's like having a double life. And, it's the only place I can smoke. As for red cars, pffft. Come 'n' get me, coppers.
Rottie: I can't grok to jazz. At least not the Coltrane stuff. Brrrrrrr. But, okay, Miles Davis is cool.
K9: No, "you" are the color of a ripe orange! K is burnt orange, 9 is blue. Chickory is a very, very pale pink.
Moi, Dahlin'
MRI?? Well, it will be interestin'.
Does ya have siblin's wif same talent? I mean, is this a genetic gift or an additional level of the creative talent?
I like some jazz. Some.
You mean we're not all wired like that?
What matches with "dark purplish blue"? It can't be white. I already have too many white shirts.
Aunty: I don't think anyone else in my immediate family is like this, although, I haven't done a poll.
Pirate: Well, then, there are those of us (ah-hem) who see in "J Crew" pewter.
Anonymous: Pale or dove grey wool. Ivory linen. Pale pink.
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