A lot of ink has been spilled over the years trying to suss out the secret to a happy marriage. A good sex life, shared hobbies, separate hobbies, separate bathrooms (or at least double sinks), good communication skills, empathy, blah blah blah and yeah yeah yeah. Me, I think it's all luck, coupled with a touch of Forrest Gump in the head.
Oh, and a spousal unit who graduated from a Southeastern Conference college.
Today, S.B. is in a MOST happy mood. Geaux Tigers!
Sex pretty much does it for me (hey, I'm a simple man). Blogger still supports this polka-dot template ? Wow !
Heff: I'm a blogging Luddite, what can I say.
Clean Gutters for EVERYONE!
Shamu: Maybe the entire neighborhood, even!
I yield to the Lady Luddite, knower of many things.
After mah Gators, them Tigers is mah favorite! Mah Grand-Ma-ma lived in Red Stick, an lemme tell ya'....
GIve SB high fives from Aunty
I have no idea what that means, but if your S.B. is happy, then I am happy.
Not only am I a Luddite, I'm clearly not into sports either.
it's the little things...er...conferences.
The number one rule I tell my women-children: Don't ever try to make your husband your girlfriend.
now if we can just do something about those pimped out colors.....
Doris: I really should change the look of my blob, but I'm too lazy.
Aunty: Oh, mah, gawd, I wouldn't want to try and navigate around Baton Rouge today!
Boxer: LSU baseball won the national championship against Texas yesterday in Omaha. BIG DAY in Moi's household.
Pirate: Yer lucky to be married to a Scot. They get crazy over, what, soccer? Beer?
Wendy: Oh, no, that would be bad. I hate sharing my shoes.
K9: I know. Although, I do have to admit, yellow and purple are a most excellent combo in the garden.
Congrats to the Beast!
Congrats to you both. Him for the vicarious victory and you for whatever you're getting. Is it increased nookie?
I don't really celebrate when the mighty Gators win in a minor (non-football) sport.
I am happy for SB, but, God, I hate the SEC. Too much time in Georgia and Florida, and it sucks that the alums largely gauge the success of their alma maters by their athletic performance (no offense intended to SB; nothing wrong with school pride). Covering old information here, but LSU did at least publish A Confederacy of Dunces. For that, I will be eternally grateful
Heh.WENDY is funnnnnnny.
Heather: He's beastly happy.
Troll: EVERYTHING goes better with an SEC win. Nookie, gutter cleaning, lawn moving . . .
Czar: It's rabid fandom, for sure. A form of mental illness, most likely.
Aunty: Oh, yes. She's full of wise cracks.
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