I'm serious. Falling Water is one of the few buildings in the world that can actually make me cry just from looking at a photograph, it's that beautiful, that perfect a union of man and nature, form and function, site and structure.
At one point a few years ago, Falling Water was up for sale. There was talk that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were interested in it, but then the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy stepped in with a butt load of funds and a mission to preserve, maintain, and make this masterpiece available for public education and appreciation. Thus saving one of the greatest buildings ever constructed from the wrath of sticky-fingered sproglodites and ensuring my retirement fund remain intact (I would have had to rob a few banks, too).
So, there's going to be a lot I'm not buying this, and upcoming, weekends, because Falling Water is now open to the public for tours. I do believe I'll have to make the pilgrimage.
This weekend's savings? About a gazillion dollars.
Log onto the Conservancy's way cool Web site to learn more: http://www.fallingwater.org/
I love moving water too... makes me sob sometimes at inopportune moments. I've never been to visit a FLW home. The style is so different than the Georgian/victorian business in Virginia and I didn't know that much about him except for what I learned on The Brady Bunch. I recently read Loving Frank and would love to get to visit now. He was a total jerk, but what a gift he gave us. Fallingwater sounds beautiful! Good luck not decorating! Thanks for playing again! xxx ooo
I have a friend who is a real estate agent and knows in the ins and out of many houses in our 'hood. When we go for walks we pick houses that we call "write the check house" which meanas... money is not an option, but the house has to represent something about "us". Falling Waters? Yeah, I totally understand.
I grew up in the Chicago area and saw lots of his homes, but never saw Falling Water-breathtaking. I agree, that's worth a pilgrimage.
I invented conservancy.
Well, now, Moi Cherie,
ya saved enough to go get them fancy red and black shoes from last week! Heh.
you know, i wouldnt mind visiting this. i dont know where it is! im glad movie stars didnt get it. just another neato nice thing for them...a national treasure for us.
man, you are thrifty.
how are italics done in comment boxes? ive tried and its never worked
I adore Frank. And I adore this home. I also adore your taste.
All: It's a beauty, isn't it? Le sigh.
Oh, and italics in the comments box is one of these: < , followed by an i, closed up with >. That's at the beginning of the word/phrase you want to italicize. Then to end it: <, /, i, >
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