The first time Miss Mean Dovey Cooledge dropped by Moi's Blob to leave one of her trademark bossy ass comments, I didn't quite know what to make of her. Friend or foe? Bird brain or wise ol' hen? But over the past year or so, I came to love her. If from a respectful distance. Dovey was her own bird for sure, and, like her human caretaker, wasn't afraid to ruffle a few feathers and say what was on her mind. She didn't take scheisse from no one and that's an admirable trait in any species.
Now it looks like Miss Dovey, who for many years split her time between urban Atlanta and the North Georgia woods, has been called to her final home. I'm sure she's negotiating the terms of her stay as I write this. An eternity of meal worms? A nesting spot on top of the television? A refreshing bath twice a day? Whatever they are, I'm betting Dovey will most certainly get her way. Roost in peace, Miss Dovey.
My favorite was her video commentary on world events.
Roost in peace!! Hehehehehehe...Moi, ya's too cute to post this tribute.
Dovey liked cornbread so I'se sure she winged of to a Southern Chicken HEaven
oh moi! you are such a good writer. you managed to make me laugh. no she didnt take no sheizze (or however you spelled that) she was a bantam bad-ass for sure.
she loved cornbread, peanut butter, salmon and blueberries. she didnt like guacamole but Easter is mad for it! funny how the chicks are all such individuals.
i will let MDC make her rounds again someday.
thanks for thinking me a good steward of the animals. its hard not to feel terribly guilty for her disappearance. perhaps i was too focused on the youngsters and had too much faith in Doveys survival wisdom.
On the internet, no one knows you're a hen!
(I'm a panda by the way ;-))
I've dedicated my Mute to that fine bird, Mean Dovey... the only one to hold a permanent position in my side bar.
You've written a beautiful post for a wonderful pet.
Peace out Mean Dovey! You are missed. From K9's heart and from our world too.
she was amazing. when she didnt like something Trout did, she'd give a little correction on the nose. and Trouts feelings would be so hurt. they would sometimes drink from Trouts water together. oh i could regale you with dovey stories all afternoon....
you know, if youve ever pulled up next to a tractor trailer of broilers on their way to slaughter you look at them they all look alike. given a chance to live the good life youd find each and every one of them has a distinct personality. everybody should have a chicken or two. they really are interesting.
I would love to hear more Dovey stories. The one about her bopping Trout on the nose is great. Chickens are über cool animals.
I love the picture of Mean Dovey on K9's bed up at Chickory. That bird had moxie. And more.
Another loss.
Sorry to see Dovey go.
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