The Nature Channel's version of Alien Vs. Predator, right there on my front porch. And Madonna lost. Do you know that little shit dragged her for about a yard and then flew away with her? Upsetting as it was, from an ethological standpoint, it's all good. I mean, that's some pretty single-minded determination right there. Not to mention muscles . . .
RIP, Madonna. Thank goodness there are two more of you left to pass along your DNA.
You know that Madonna girl made me a little nervous (it was the walking under her web part and wondering if she was going to drop on my head and bore through my skull to eat what was left of my brain, but then maybe I *shouldn't* have parked in the garage after all, eh, S.B.??), but that was gruesome. Now I miss the little 8-legged sweetie. And I am major ooked out by the thought of that spider-eating-wasp-thang living near your house. Next time I come over I'm wearing body armor. Nature--pah!
Oh wow. That's horrible. I don't like those yellow jackety things, they give me the heebs. Spiders are just being spiders, but those yellow jackets strike me as malicious little critters.
Living here is like living in a nature preserve for creatures no one else wants:
Kamikazee hummingbirds afraid of NO MAN.
Curious rattlesnakes who just have to come check out the inside of my pantry.
A mated-for-life pair of fussy-ass collard doves who Hoover up the bird food at an alarming rate and squawk like crazy when I let the bin run out.
A nursing colony of pallid bats who are all talk to the hand when it comes to relocating out from under our front porch and into their fabulous new bat condo.
What's next? Godzilla?
maybe you'd like a border collie-shepard-boundryless infant with an extra dewclaw....
I thought what spiders did to their prey was bad. But, wasps have the corner on that market. Check this.
Poor Madonna.
Oops. I left the "L" off the "HTM" in that last link. This one should work -> Wasp vs Spider
Ack! That is disgusting!
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