Well, actually, too pooped from partying. The one we had last night to celebrate my fourth running of the La Luz Trail Run and our good buddy's first. He posted a MOST EXCELLENT time of 2:30. This from someone who only started running two years ago. On flat roads. At sea level. Whoa. I'm so proud of him.
I ran it in the time I usually run it in: 2:50. I'll take it. But next year I'll do better. At any rate, after a celebratory greeting by SB, Doris Rose, and good friend E!, a post race plate of pancakes and bacon, and a Kansas City-style BBQ dinner at home with some of the best ribs I've ever had, accompanied by cheesy corn with ham, baked beans (thank you, Shamu!), one bottle of champagne, two shots of tequila, and a couple glasses of Malbec (so shoot me, I was off the booze two weeks prior), a debate over the 10 top pop songs of all time, four Bayer aspirin, and seven hours of sleep, I got nothing for Mute Monday.
But I got one hell of a perfect day under my belt.
Cool. I can use my comment from AnonBoxer's here today too!
"I'm a Reiki master. Send your money and I'll heal you from here."
Nothing like saving brain cells on a twofer.
I didn't know alcohol overdose was an MM get-out-of-jail free card. I'll have to remember that. Is Troll cool with this?
Happy Excuse Ridden MM!
bwahahahah to Gnomey and good lordy, I'm holding my stomach from your list of consumables. When you said you could eat (and drink) like a teenager, you meant it.
CONGRATS you fabulous Stud-ette for even signing up for the run, and even more for finishing with a VERY cool time. Here's to next year!
Congrats on the race, I so wish I was a runner/jogger. So are you going to post about the debate on the top 10 pop songs? Happy un-MM.
Gnome: Minimum effort, maximum results. They key to a happy life.
Buzz: In two years, I think this is my one and only lapse. I think Troll will forgive me.
Boxer: Eating like that is in my genes. I used to see my dinner dates mentally calculating my weight in 20 years. Fooled them!
Pam: Hey, good idea! Why, yes, I think I'll build a post around that.
I think I miscalculated on how much BBQ to send and WAY underestimated the cheesy corn. Mental note taken.
Absolutely congrats on running the race. Now, does the time in which you run the race directly correlate with how much food you eat post race?
I ran it in 1:30. Afterward, Tipper and I shared a rice-cake and a bottle of water.
Congratulations, Moi. I wish I could be a runner. I think I'm a bit too top heavy. :/
Wait! Baked beans is Eastern fare ain't it?
Heh--youse AMAZIN' Moi!! PROUD of ya!!
Feliz Dia Despues de La Luz!!!
Nice work on the trail run. Food sounds great and I'm sure you had it in the correct portions. I'm interested in the top 10 pop songs. Could make for some interesting posting.
Awesome. Nice job! I'd like to see that top ten song post as well. Get to work!
" one bottle of champagne, two shots of tequila, and a couple glasses of Malbec "
What did you have for lunch?
did you ever see Chariots of Fire? mmm.Long distance running, music-elegant and primal. Yay You! Feelin'mighty proud of the Elegant Farmer, you deserve to celebrate all week.
I am so proud of you! Indulge like a degenerate in much booze and chocolate sauce to celebrate.
Wow Moi!
Had I been the individual running that race and consuming the list provided ... I would not have made it to the debate on the top 10 ...
I would be down at the morgue.
Uber impressive...she runs, eats, drinks and, writes for a living!
You are excused... :)
ALL: Burp.
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