Which is, basically:
Viggo Mortensen: Hawt or Nawt?
Viggo Mortensen: Hawt or Nawt?

An elegant, restrained performance,
albeit a little limp-locked for my taste.
albeit a little limp-locked for my taste.
He was totally brilliant in this and that naked sauna fight scene took major balls.
I know the gals will have an opinion, but that doesn't mean the dudes should be shy about weighing in. I find it funny that while most women can freely and openly discuss another woman's attractiveness, men are always all, "Well, I can see how women would find that guy good looking."
Come on.
Y'all know when another of your kind is hawt or nawt. So spill it.
LTR limp locks ain't the best of his looks, but it be better'n that slick back version in Eastern Promises.
He walks easy in his skin--that goes a long long way to make a fella hawt.
I vote hawt .... I really enjoyed his performance in Hidalgo ... very much the natural outdoor grace of a lone athlete. The one with nature thing. I think what I liked about his acting .. is that it did not seem like acting. No posturing to display his most photogenic side and so forth. Have not seen Eastern Promises but liked him in the Lord of the Rings movies.
Hawt. What was that submarine movie he was in?
hawt, hawt, hawt.
and hawt.
yummmmmm-eeee! this was very nice to see first thing on what's going to be a very busy Saturday! A Perfect Murder!!! yes, yes, yes!! I remember thinking, “who wouldn't have an affair with this guy!” (that was my pre-husband days of course.) AND - I find it ultra cool that in the first LoTR his character name is my maiden name. And, ya know? Besides being uberhawt, he's one of the better actors around. Always convincing performances and I love that he chooses to do unconventional roles. Plus - he is a singer, I believe he sang a song in one of the LoTR's. He has several albums. He's an artist and a poet. All of the art in A Perfect Murder were all his own. Sigh. Swoon. Yeah, I'm thinking that he is definitely hawt, and if he played his cards right, he could have me.
Aunty: He doesn't seem to seek media attention, either, which is refreshing.
Fishy: I loved Hidalgo. One of my favorite movies of all time. That horse! Eastern Promises was directed by David Cronenberg, and although one of his more "restrained" pictures, it still bears his signature preoccupation with extreme emotional and physical states. So, it's a little rough.
Shamu: I forgot he was in Crimson Tide. Good one. He was also the only thing I liked about G.I. Jane.
Boxer: Well, alrighty, then! Four makes a consensus, I would say.
kmwthay: I think my favorite role of his was History of Violence, another Cronenberg. Very nuanced performance.
"and if he played his cards right, he could have me."
What is it Bill Maher says, "We're only as faithful as our options?" Bwahahahahaha!
Yeah Viggo is only hot with limp locks.
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I'll weigh in with a guy opinion. I haven't seen him in much but did like him a lot in GI Jane as the SEALS Master Chief. For that role alone he's - cool.
I have no idea who this guy is, and he doesn't do much for me besides. I know that doesn't help much, but if you're keeping score . . .
Hawt. and i dont use capitals often. im with fishy. loved Hidalgo. eastern promises wasnt his best look but you are right that bathroom fight was raw.
Emma: See, the limp locks por Moi? Not so much. And when will we silly folk realize we can have our burgers and jelly donuts, too, if we just move it, move it?
Buzz: One of the Top 10 über cool male leads in a film ev-ah. Oh Lord, I feel a Top 10 post comin' on . . .
Czar: You mean you managed to miss all three years of Lord of the Rings on celluloid? Huh. Impressive.
Spin: Not his best look, but probably one of his best roles after History of Violence.
Love the moniker, BTW.
Will it go round in circles
Will it fly high like a bird up in the sky?
Heh--- how many identities do that schizo dawg have?
Yup--Hildalgo. An' youse right--he doan pander to the paparazzi. Reckon he might truly seek jes' to turn out good stuff, as a pro should.
I'd definitely go 4 stars.
He is under-the-radar hawt and that makes him very hawt indeed.
Aunty: Dat dawg trying to elude the powers that be :o)
DorisRose: Yeah, I'm thinking four, too.
Pam: Under the radar is good. It must be such a bizarre condition, fame. Because let's face it, most people who have it have sought it out rather than had it happen to them. That means lots of self esteem/narcissism tissues. Neither of which is a good look on a man.
I think I read somewhere that Viggo had such a strong bond with the horse following the filming of Hidalgo ... he paid premium $$$ to keep the horse!
He be HAWT for that reason alone.
One other random thought, if I were a sculptor, I would definitely do his portrait, er bust.
fun theme: forbidden hawt. example: josh holloway of "lost". a redneck. but still.....
Fishy: Viggo lives in his own private Idaho, so he could do that, with the horse. I would have, too. He had tons of personality.
Ear: Most excellent idea for a poll, even if I do believe there is nothing to be ashamed of, lusting after Holloway or rednecks.
I must be unusual as I still hanker after Martin Sheen, Christopher Plummer and Hal Holbrook in their heydays. Some of these modern hunk-types are a little too meat-head looking and well, I hate to say it but a bit soulless with dead fish eyes. As if incapable of real love.
On the plus side, I shan't be slugging it out with you over Viggo!
I guess I should probably find someone more contemporary to lust after rather than guys old enough to be my grandad though.
If you are going to think up actors who were HAWT for all generations you absolutely must include Gregory Peck and Sean Connery!
well my forbidden love of young burt reynolds is legendary.
young marlon brando. hard to beat.
Most definitely HAWT.
He's SO hawt. I went to his photography exhibit in L.A. a few years ago and being multi-talented like that is very hawt. (the photos were good) Wish I was at the opening, I could've met him.
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