I first got to know the Pirate a couple years ago when I was doing a Google search for local triathlete blobs. Little did I know THEN that she would turn out to also be a kindred spirit of another sort. A girl who thinks nothing of sweating herself silly on bike, in pool, or on foot one day, and the next texting me from Dillard's seeking support for a spur of the moment purchase of a pair of 4" heeled red patent leather peep toe Jessica Simpson pumps.
When she emailed me from London two weeks ago offhandedly declaring that she had to hold off on a couple Karen Millen purchases until BofA's head quite spinning from all the recent activity, but, but, but, at least she'd snagged the Vivienne Westwood heels before all the kerfuffle, well.
A co-authored fashion blob was only inevitable.
Come check it out.
Bitches of Fashion
oh mah gaaawd, we've gone public!
they'll all laugh out loud when they hear about the current contents of my closet.
If this means that the "Bite The Apple" blog will be about guns, rants, food, and other things not related to Euro-Trash fashion, I'm happy!
Pirate: Yes! We want readership!
Troll: Yes, it does. Although, I think you would appreciate the vibe of our first post, which take a most definite poke at Eurotrash appropriation of Muslib headgear.
The empire grows...
yip yip yip!!! dog and person reunited!!! oh happy night. and the chix are SO glad
what does wearing a kaffeya say? im an oppressed people? i identify with loading up my children with bombs? i am anti establishment. these guys are post trend. post post trend. it was all over LA years ago.
if you wear high heeled red patent leather peep toes you better be ready to back that up, honey. grrrherhaha
pee ess - I hope that is you, wearing the jumpsuit. you're taller than me anyway. you'd suit a jumpsuit more than me, disco chick.
Boxer: Thank you!
WTWA: Soon, your son will be posting for us on shoes!
K9: I'm SO relieved. She was gorgemous. I nearly snagged her myself.
Arafat: Twas Pirate in those pumps. Mid day. At a local cafeteria-style lunch spot. Girl can back 'em up, for sure. The trick is, do what she did: keep everything up top – casual hair, cardigan, jeans – simple. Let the SHOES speak.
Pirate: #34 on my List of Things for St. Peter When I Die: I want to spend eternity as a Disco Queen.
I just LOVE it when you speak another language, it's soo sexy...
Satan and I get a big chuckle out of the fact that although my clan was from Tunisia and I was raised in (and kicked out) of Egypt, I managed to convince Muslibs and EuroTrash that I was entitled to a "Homeland" called "Palestine" some 1900 miles east of Tunisia.
Oooooh, I will have to come look closer at the new page when I get a bit more time! Can't imagine what you two will dream up!
I think I'll just stick with the original Coke, thanks anyway.
Doris Rose: Phew. I know that you could have gone with "annoying" and been perfectly justified in the assessment, so thank you :o)
Arafat: I think if I could just get Muslim women into Bergdorf's during a 70 percent off sale, we'd have all the ammo we need for an uprising against their stooopid ass menfolk.
Pam: Drop by when you get a chance, thanks!
NYD: Don't worry. I'll still be here to bitch and moan and opine annoyingly. I'm just moving the fashion commentary somewhere else.
You had me at "Jessica Simpson pumps".
Heff: See now? This won't hurt a bit . . .
Ohhh Red patent leather Jessica Simpson Pumps oh my Gosh! Envy!!!!!!!
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