I'm a dork when it comes to PhotoShop. Although I've spent plenty of time sticky noting graphic designers to remove power lines or make the water bluer or wipe that dirt off the child's face, about the only thing I can do myself is add text to a photo. I can't even do that anymore because when I switched over to my rockin' new Mac and operating system a little over a year ago, said operating system ate Moi's pirated Photo Choppy software. Boo.
But, lookie what Pam in OKC did with my photo of Madrid, New Mexico's historic church!
Photo I took:

Photo as cleaned up by Pam:

Wowee. Nice job. Thanks, Pam!
Now, I wonder, you think she can PhotoShop these onto
Moi's feet?

Great photo! Took me about five mins to realize she took out the telephone lines. Me needs coffee.
Now thas' purty cool!
Gotta love Photo-Chop.
I use it for match. com pics.
Pople think I look like Sean Connery
I have lots of photoshop ideas but too lazy to learn it. Nice work Pamokc!
Photoshop the most amazing and dangerous software out there. LOVE IT FOREVER.
Emma: Lady o' Leisure is right! Isn't it, like, 9:30 where you are?
Aunty: I know. Clicky to make large and there are no seams.
NYD: But can you do the accent?
Troll: Me, too! I just like to dictate . . .
Shamu: You be the Queen o' Photo Choppy. Bet you could get Moi those shoes . . .
*sigh* When I have a free month, I'm going to sit down and learn Photoshop. I've had to rely on the kindness of a friend of mine for all my 'chopped photos. And because I'm PC based, I can't even pirate her copy. BUT, Pam did a great job of making your fabulous picture even better.
As for those shoes..... while she's at putting you in those divine shoes.... can you wear those camping? AHAHAHAHA
Get me a profile of Moi's bare legs and those babies are YOURS.
Great. Now the birds are gonna sit on the steeple and shit all over the church.
Women LOVE the shoes, don't they ?
Gotta admit, those ARE kinda cool.
Boxer: Yeah. Add it to the list.
Shamu: Better yet, I'll send you a photo of my face, you can stick it on Heidi Klum's body, and then the shoes on her feet.
WTWA: You know what? That's a majorly grande problemo out here.
Heff: Heck yeah, they're cool. They're like the shoes Wonder Woman would wear when not chasing bad guys.
Awesome job of Photoshopping! Shoes, however... sexy, maybe, but painful, definitely.
i cant hardly write or talk or anything i am sick to my stomach seeing the nightmare come true today.
nice job pam
are you wearing those to the revolution moi? if so, you may need to be in a tank -not infantry
Lessons needed!
Thanks Moi! And I bow to Shamu for doing the best comedic Photoshop in the land. As for the shoes ... uh, DIVINE, and I'll be photoshopping them onto my own feet thank you! And to anyone who wants to try it on their own, all I have to say is make friends with the clone tool. Thanks for letting me play with the pic, much appreciated.
Wendy: Well, they should only be worn for short periods of time :o).
K9: I had to la, la, la, la, la myself through the day. Too much to do. Oh, and, I've always wanted my own tank!
Fish: Agreed.
Pam: Hmmm . . . wonder if you could do an on-line class for us PhotoChoppy dorks? Shamu and you team teach it? In the shoes? Which wouldn't hurt at all because you'd be sitting at a desk.
I'm game for photochoppy classes ... I'm no expert but spent many hours teaching myself how to do things, which may or may not be the ****correct way**** to do things. What does Shamu say about it all?
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