"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." – Benjamin Franklin
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Mommy, why are they banning Peter Rabbit?
and why am I naked?
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Mommy, why are they banning Peter Rabbit?
and why am I naked?
Stupid assmonkeys.
Every "crisis" deserves draconian new laws and a burgeoning bureaucracy to enforce it.
Happy Mute Monday!
Shamu: Bwahahahahaha! So when I call my Congress People today, I can say that? "Hey, you stupid assmonkeys! What were you thinking?"
Troll: That's how we merrily "create" jobs, don't cha know? Til we all be workin' for da pusher man.
It won't get their attention. You must send them a brightly colored lead paint illustration of their stupid assmonkeyiness. Maybe you, me and Boxer can share a cell at whatever Women's Detention Facility they eventually send us to.
So, lead in my old children's books, huh? Maybe that explains why my 20-year-old keeps doing such dumb-assed stuff lately.
Oh, wait... she just READ the books. She didn't EAT them.
I didn't realize books were part of this. We received (and I had to check into) the bit about selling used kids clothing. Lots of people buy and sell on e-bay and the like to save money. It is amazing I have lived so long because am sure I wasn't raised "right" according to these guidelines.
Thanks MOI!!
Here is more--not on the books, but what happens to retailers (hint: how to deliver the coup de gras to recession struggling bidnesses)
Shamu: And we'll cook for them and then they'll be sorry.
Wendy: See now, it all makes sense to US? Why not the Ass Monkeys?
Pam: A definite penalization in these economic times of folks who shop at thrift stores.
Aunty: Yay, Dr. Paul!
Kudos to you, I love Children's books as well. At the Pond we will not be making smores over our literary burnings and we will salvage all we can from local sources.
WHY are not all the librarians and historians standing up to be counted?
Well, I think it is basically unenforceable. Will be interesting to see what happens.
totally unenforceable and will put small business owners out of business. Needs to be modified.
We are becoming a nation that does nothing but destroy rather than create. This micro mandating will strangle everything good about who we are. PFFFFTTTTT. Let's go get them!!! Hell, I eat boxed Mac/Cheese anyhoo, so I won't be missing much in prison.
last night the big dog and i had a heart to heart about what we are going to do. its obvious to us that they are going for it in full light of day. look at how the stimulus had one hour to be reviewed before passing. so much for pelosi's 48 hours for americans to review. right. i read a listing of all the pork in it. will turn your stomach.
this is censorship no question about it. its unbelievable and hardly anyone knows. thanks to aunty i bought a box full of american history books for kids (about 5-7th grade level) on american icons too like daniel boone and the alamo, etc.
I'm all for safety for children but this seems like a gross overeaction. All those books....it doesn't bear thinking about.
I love South Carolinians...called one store today to ask about books and was informed .... " well now sure we have vintage children's books and no indeed we do not and will not be destroying ours. A man can't be held responsible for what he doesn't know now can he? The government can SAY they sent me a thing but they sure as hell can't prove I received/read their thing now can they?
I am up at the Pond, Happy Mute Monday...I adore Beatrix Potter books and illustrations. Thank God I saved almost all of Mermaid's books.
Peter Rabbit was one of my favorite bunny books as a child. The other two being The Velveteen Rabbit and It's Not Easy Being a Bunny.
How many people do they think will comply with this nonsense??
Gah.... *humpf*
I posted the church photo -- with and without power lines ... thanks for giving me permission to play with it some!
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