. . . whether by NaNo Noveling like Thistle and Doris Rose, NaBloPoMo-ing like a MoFo like Meghan, or simply continuing in whatever amount of time you devote to writing, painting, or photographing . . . I salute you.
The world is a much more fascinating, inspiring, and hilarious place because of what you put out there.
Rock on Sista-woman,Nano has begun...therefore, I write!
Honestly, you have no idea what that means to me.
Just so you know.... you inspire every time I come here.
I was in Amherst MA last week, where in the downtown area there is an actual TYPEWRITER repair store. The display window of the shop had all these beautiful old beasts of machines. Not that I miss 'em, but they were sure fun to look at.
Then again, when I consider what I only kid myself has been deleted from every computer I've ever worked on, well, it makes me yearn for a machine without memory.
hmmmn? NaNo-Noveling? Whas' that Sugar Pie? Whew, the thangs ya' learn roamin' round the blogs.
But, youse a Day of the Dead fan!! Yep, I'se hearin' that. An' yore political run down was fun--howdy do, Moi. Fun site.
Dude. Somehow I got signed up for NaNoWriMo... and, uhh... I never signed up for THAT one!
I'm a NaBloPolikeaMoFo girl all the way.
DR: And soon on a beach somewhere balmy and dreamy where all the natives go, "Lookit. A writer."
AB: Likewise. You can write something fierce. And funny. And you understand the Chihuahua.
Czar: I love how I can always count on you to pop in on occasion with something terrifically interesting about the world we live in. Yes, and one must wonder: where does all that deleted, erased memory go, hmmmm?
Aunty Belle: Well, heck, thanks so much for dropping by. And with pork rinds, no less! I will have to spend a LOT more time on your blogs as I have a sneaky, thrilling suspicion we are of like political minds.
Meghan: Dudette, you mean it's not NaNoBlo? It's NaBloPoMo? Whoops, got my acronyms all mussed up. Will fix pronto!
All I am saying is that it just took me 400 hours to write 1700 words. I will try very hard for the next 29 days to drink in your inspiring words and do good enough to meet the goal, which as we all know is 50,000 words--but not 50,000 *good* words.
Oh no! I didn't see that you had messed anything up (I almost never call it by it's real acronym anyway). I actually got an e-mail from the NaNoWriMo folks welcoming me to their novel-fest of INSANITY. I want to know what bastard thought it would be funny to sign me up for that!
Really, though... my greatest respect to those of you who are CRAZY enough to participate in NaNoWriMo.
no doubt. we need more wordy people - it has to be said.
Wicked: In between the demands of paying work and my raging headache from the epoxy fumes that accompanied the last of our kitchen improvement project, I squeezed in two hours and tapped out 775 limp-ass words. I liked ONE sentence. Least you got a creepy clown theme going on and didn't box yourself into a 400 word corner describing suede. Yup, smells like NaNo!
Meghan: No kidding? Now that's just rude :o)!
Pirate: Good to see you back! Hope you recovered from SoMa. Girl, you be brilliant with words and you don't even write for a livin'. Impressive.
I'm just a MoFo but are you Nanoing?
emmak: Yes, I am. For the fourth year in a row, God only knows why. But am I enjoying it? That is the question. As Wicked said to Moi just hours ago over pizza and some sparkly alcohol-type substance: "NaNo is haaaaarrrdd and it's stoooopid! I don't want to do it anymore!"
Uh, yeah.
Perhaps I should have just MoFo-ed.
we salute you!
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