Chickory spotted her first. Didn't even have to say anything. Just let out a snort of derision and directed her eyeballs. We were stunned. But not so much that we didn't whip out our cameras toot suite.
Ladies, for all our anger at the utterly unfair bitch slap that is the aging process, for all that we are ready, willing, and able to do to keep that process at bay . . . at least we won't do THAT.
Ladies, for all our anger at the utterly unfair bitch slap that is the aging process, for all that we are ready, willing, and able to do to keep that process at bay . . . at least we won't do THAT.
It's very important to click on this picture to make it even bigger!!!!
Miss you both. You live in a great state which among many wonderful things includes free wifi at the airport.
Best. Present. Ever.
Boxer: Airports that don't? Suck eggs. Glad you're enjoying our wee bit of 21st century-ness :o).
WTWA: If only I'd remembered the donuts, too! Then again, who could eat under those circumstances?
What the hell is that? A tattooed thong?
What I want to know is, in each others' physical presence, do you call each other Moi, Chickory, and Boxer?
Czar: Alas, the thong is real. Also, no: we call each other by our real names: Heidi, Farrah, and Goldie.
Oh, the humanity. Did you have to stand in line to get that picture? I'm sure this will be viral by tomorrow. Folk Art is as folk art does.
Moi, Chickory, and Boxer
Heidi, Farrah, and Goldie--in that order?
THIS is not the art post I was looking forward to!!!
( Ps ..... Blowfish asks,
" who wants to look at bad art over a garbage dump?"
Well, we know who "Goldie" is.
I am at Ground Zero of your personal fashion Hell at the moment. Even I notice what slatterns they are. Except the Asians. They dress okayish.
Buzz: No, we got there early and were busy minding our own business, when, bam! There it was. Even though there IS, as Chickory noticed, a distinctive Santa Fe Art Goer Look, thankfully this wasn't it.
Aunty: Sure :o)
Fishy: Boxer and Chickory took a ton of photos. I was busy being the driver and explainer of things--watching them watch my world--so didn't do much clicking away. They'll post, don't worry.
Boxer: :o)
Troll: Thank you for your support. She should have been written up for Crimes of Fashion right then and there.
You're talking about the fact that she's wearing her 90's stone washed jeans and tennis shoes with white socks a la Seinfeld, right?! Bwahahahaha! The thing that kills me about "plumber butt" and ladies that flaunt their butt floss, do THEY NOT FEEL THE BREEZE? How can one NOT KNOW they are showing their bums to the world and in a not so flattering way? That's the part I find the most puzzling. And lastly, when I see a tramp stamp on someone like this...makes me realize that tattoos are no longer cool. sigh.
La Diva: ROTFL to the "breeze" comment. And, yes, I wish we would all just MOVE ON from the tattoo thing.
mem - reeeeeeeeeeeeeees.
like the corners of my *big fat ass*
grrherhahhahaha. to la diva: how could she not know? she did know. that is intentional - how could it not be?
We are talking about an ol' bird in her 50s.
moi - I miss ya'll too. Ive got a post coming but i have mega chores to do first. but boy - looking at new mexico on my computer screen last light; what a beauty. Hoping the fires get rained on today.
K9: Misty watercolor memories, of the horrifying way these people dressed . . . Oddly, we never saw her again. Maybe she did the right thing and went home to hang her head in shame and vow never again.
Glad you had a good summit - but sorry you had to witness this :)
Looking forward to more enticing photos from Boxer Babe and Chick9!
why do women have to be so mean to their pants?
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