Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dinosaur Down


AL GORE said...

I blame global warming.

Buzz Kill said...

This is the same problem Chicky was having with her studio windows. Looks like squab for dinner tonight.

Jenny said...

oooooooh. :-(

Milk River Madman said...

I did that at The Prodigy's cabin many years ago. Only I wasn't flying and it was a screen door. And it was dark. And we had beer.

He put a new door in as it never ran on its tracks properly after that. It was easier than replacing the screen.

Pictures like this are cool. Somewhere that bird is talking to his bird buddies and cussing you out while they fall of the telephone wire laughing their beaks off.

moi said...

Albert: Stop huffing and puffing, then. You're emitting too much gas.

Buzz: I checked the ground thoroughly. No dead birdie. But I bet it has one heck of a headache.

Boxer: I know. I got teary.

MRM: Did you leave an imprint?

LẌ said...

Ouch! (Beautiful image though.)

Jenny said...

It's an amazing photograph and now that I know you didn't find the body I like it more.

chickory said...

dreadful. i hope it lives to fly another day. i have my two crashes in the freezer. i moved my feeder but i think you and buzz have been right: winter light makes for confusion. so sorry.

Pam said...

Wow, I love the photo! It took me a minute to understand! Poor birdie, but hopefully he wasn't falling from the sky for some other unknown reason!

moi said...

xl: When you get up close, you can see individual feather imprints. Which is scary as well as remarkable, because that speaks to an incredible force at impact.

Boxer: I've had them die on me and I've had them recover. Circle of life; it can be a bitch.

Chickory: Did I tell you about the flycatcher "event" last summer? For some reason, dozens of flycatchers a day where twomping themselves into our south-facing windows. It was horrifying. I closed all the shades and would go out periodically to wave my arms around like a lunatic and they still kept coming. Some kind of weird territorial display, near as I could figure out.

Pam: So far, no blackbirds out of the sky! Just at the feeders. About once a month, a murder of crows comes down on their way to or from their roosts and start pushing all the other feeder birds around. Very Hitchcockian, but also funny.