Happy Monday, Party People; it's time for the weekly installment of Haiku Mondays. Because I was awarded the Great Badge of Honor last week for my musings on Arizona, the Ghost of Master Basho has decided that I shall be the guest judge this week, picking the winner from what is becoming an increasingly competitive field. Also, to give Troll a chance to snag the badge, as his 5-7-5 skills are indeed quite mad, and yet, he can't pick himself as a winner.
So, head on over there today, leave your Haiku in the comments section, and I will choose a winner this evening and post it tomorrow.
This week's theme is STATE. As Troll states in the rules: "To make it more of a challenge, contestants won't be allowed to use the name of their chosen State in the Haiku itself or the title, i.e., you can't have a line that says: 'California Sucks,' You could say, 'Land of fruits and nuts.'"
Even better, I am offering prizes! So enter now to win your choice of either:
1. The fun and fabulous freebie package that LaRue Tactical sends in every order and of which we now have THREE sets (ahem), to include: One handy-dandy Beverage Entry Tool in the shape of what I think is an armadillo (?); one pocket-sized booklet of the Constitution of the United States (you know, for when you need some light reading on the bus); two bumper stickers, one proclaiming one's extreme right-wingedness and one God-blessing our troops, most especially our snipers (won't THOSE be fun to slap on the ol' Prius whilst shopping Wal-mart?); and one 4-ounce bottle of Dillo Dust Dry Rub (which, believe Moi, tastes super duper on baby back ribs).
2. A brand new, one fluid ounce bottle of Demeter Fragrance Library cologne spray in Honeysuckle. Which you can use on yourself, your room, your dog, or the person sitting next to you on the bus.
PLUS, the opportunity to display the Chickory designed badge shown above on your blog. And wherever else you so choose to stamp it.
Now, get out there and haiku, you!
Did I read "honeysuckle"?
All rise! State your case.
Testify to Huck's 'nigger'
Elusive justice.
State obedience?
Millions for Rahm from Freddie?
Get out of my face!
Union as onion
Peeling layers of deceit
Teleprompted state.
Soprano Reality
Winter discontent
Overgrown union hogweed
Choking garden state.
Fishy: Excellent! I love "Union as onion." But don't forget to post over at Troll's, too.
Buzz: Bwahahahaha! This is going to be tough . . .
Thanks for judging and for the prizes!
Troll: De nada.
when does this contest close? Your prizes are giving me the just the inspiration I need.
Boxer: Midnight Mountain Standard Time. Go for it!
I'm up at Troll's (my first, but the day is young.)
Good afternoon Moi,
Thank you for judging this week.
High altitude run,
our judge in the snowshoe.
Well, did you have fun?
Boxer: Go see my comment there :o)
My church? The mountain.
Two miles above the sea, feeds
Spirit, mind, body.
Church on the mountain!
You and Karl are intimidating.
Boeing tooling up!
Right-to-work state laws apply.
Union thugs file suits.
Sikh. Methodist. Girl.
Bean Counter. Governor.
Slashed Arts money first!
I'm having a Tweak moment, y'all. Too many good haikus. Too much pressure. Can't breathe. Light failing. Quick! Apply tequila . . . and tell me a Gamecocks joke.
Here you go, rest and get yourself together. And here:
How come Gamecocks don't drink Kool-Aid?
Because they can't figure out how to get 2 quarts of water in the little package
Did you hear about the South Carolina fan that locked his keys in his car?
He couldn't get his family out.
If you need more just let me know.
I'm up at the troll's place, finally. But might as well not bother counting mine in the judging because after reading the entries, ahem, Fishy, Karl, Buzz, I was about to walk away with my tail between my legs.
oooh, I like Fishy's Boeing one. It wasn't cool when they left my STATE, and now lookee what's going on.
So far I’ve thought of nothing concerning states, statehood, being stately, general statements, the song New York state of mind, the movie Enemy of the State, any state of affairs, the State Department, or any State university. I’m just stating.
State of our unions:
Two spirits entwined by love.
Or lust. Or both! Sigh.
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