Taste buds stung, then numb.
Eyes brim, forehead sweats. Yowza!
Pleasure's worth the pain.
* * *
Our hostess for this week's Haiku Monday is none other than the fiery Ms BlazngScarlet herself. Head on over to her 'hood to catch some of the heat, why don't cha?
Oooo! Bite the Pepper?
I still remember when I bit into a Scotch Bonnet, not knowing what it was...Yowza is right, but that was NOT worth the pain.
YOWZA is right!
My mouth is burning just looking at all those lovely peppers! lol
The beauty is, the visual just made me sweat more! lol
Excellent haiku!
Good luck and thanks for playing!
"forehead sweats" reminds me of a story.
I remember (some years back) going to a Mexican Food cooking class taught by a local executive chef. He gave a couple of minute talk on how to safely handle peppers.
About half way through the class, we all noticed his forehead turning bright red. Here he had taken off his gloves, handled some peppers and rubbed the sweat from his forehead. I guess he unknowingly did it while talking to us. We all had a good laugh as he patted his head with a wet towel.
@Buzz: I worked on a book some years back called The Chili Pepper Diet. Talked a good bit about growing and preparing chiles, in particular what parts of one's body one shouldn't touch without a serious cleaning of the hands first. The forehead could be the least of someone's problems.
Serendpity: Some peppers, while blazing hot, still retain a certain flavor. Others do not. Ouch.
Blazng: Have fun with your first adventure in HM hosting/judging!
Buzz: Bwahahahaha! Good story.
Rafe: No one can spice up an ode like you can!
Czar: Thing is, it's really difficult to effectively clean one's hands of chile pepper sting. Wearing gloves is a must.
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