Headed to North Georgia for a blog meet up tomorrow.
Today, I pack. If I told you I had finally given in to the reality of carry-on (horrors!) thanks to the ridiculous checked bag fees and that I was only packing three pairs of footwear (well, maybe four; we'll have to see just how roomy this carry on is), would you believe me?
You should.
You should also believe I'll be back on Monday with a full report, photos, and the definitive, once-and-for-all consensus on the exact level of Johnny Depp's hawtness.
Enjoy yer mountians !!
I hope you're the voice of reason on this trip. After drinking all of that vodka and you start the pillow fight, make sure everyone is wearing loose fitting clothing and doused in baby oil so the pillows will glance off more easily. Safety first.
Heff: Look out; next year we're converging on your place! Whaaaaaa!
Buzz: I am always the voice of reason. Hic.
What have I missed about Johnny Depp? Is Mr. Chickory an East Coast Cherokee ala Depp? Oh mah Gawd, I never knew!!!! But ya'll enjoy your weekend, sounds like bliss. Change of scenery (that includes Johnny Depp types) .... heaven. Look out for beets and bring extra vodka.
Pam: Chickory thinks Depp is a wee bit femme. Boxer and I say, Nay. I'm not drinking much these days, but I'll toss back a couple in celebration. We'll catch up with you Thursday night for Runway snark! Maybe Shamu can set up an online chat thingamjig.
Do you think you'll need your Louboutins?
Have a great time, darling!! I'll be thinking of you all!
La Diva: We'll be thinking of you, too. And drinking to you. Only, I won't be in Louboutins. I think that would be just a bit much.
With or without your Louboutins, enjoy!
uh....I'se wif' Chick 9, sorry, but Depp is deficient. I likes more definitive male heft to' mah hunk. Mr Chick is surely Depp-ish, is he K9?
Y'all have a fine fine time--beet spiked vodkas, smores over a fire...an' doan worry that nephew is lurkin' in that stand o trees over yonder....heh.
I thought the delicious Johnny was in London filming Pirates of the Caribbean 843? Have a good trip!
i just think a fella that looks forward to dressing up like willie wonka and that creature from alice in wonder land is about as suspicious as a male kindergarten teacher. something just doesnt add up for me.
moi wore her lace up camouflage louboutins to the possum festival. ;-)
I heart you.
That is all.
p.s. word to Chickory. Once Moi recovered from the fire walking, she was all about the shoes. Big surprise.
Funny, I didn't buy a single pair of shoes. Just a fur :o)
However, I am might glad to see that the North Georgia Liberation Front will be well fed and watered.
La Diva can't wait to hear all of the gory details!!!!
Fire walkin'?
Thar's some place to buy Moi Shoes in Nawth Jawja?
Spill it ladies, SPILL IT.
Waiting on the report.
BTW, Chicory is right about Depp. Real men look a lot more like...well, they look like me. ;-)
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