I'm sure you all have seen this clip: a Miss Tiffany Sydell, stranded at the Seattle airport for the last three days, gives the news camera a tearful accounting of her ordeal:

"This is going to be our third night on the floor with no pillows, no blankets, no nothing! They should be held accountable . . ."
I've been stranded in airports several times. There's nothing worse. So I feel Tiffany's pain and that of thousands of others like her. But, Tiffany, just who do you propose should be held accountable? Last time I checked, snowstorms were an Act of Mother Nature, not Congress.
Grow a pair, will ya?
Oh moi darling, don't get angry with these silly people just chill out and go and buy some fabulous new shoes. How I wish I could join you. Plus cocktails...obviously.
I'm soooooo glad this woman decided to be our poster child for the Big Snow of '08. Who does she want to hold accountable?? God? Mother Nature? Pffffttt.
She doesn't look as bad as I do when I get out of my comfy bed. Hee.
Thankfully, the airport is back to nearly normal and I hope Miss Tiffany gets the hell out of here.
Somewhere a lawyer is drooling...
i saw this! i had the same reaction. i was like - is there no hotel or way to get to it? i would FIND a way. if i had to put snowshoes on and hike out i would. i hate the crying it scares the crap out of me that theres no backbone left in 'merica. i should move to poland or some place where people just got out from under totalitarian socialist rule and value there liberty like their next damn breath.
Emma: Funny you mention the S-word. My Spousal Unit gave me an early Christmas prezzie (he's like a kid, he has to open at least one early) – a gift certificate to Dillard's shoe dept. Which I will visit once it quits snowing and I've stopped cooking. And I will pretend you and all my other bloggie girlfriends are with me, to-go cup drinks in hand, screaming, "No, no, Moi! Just say NO to the purple patent booties!"
Boxer: You'd think this would be THE time and place to pull out a couple of bottles, some chocolate, a board game or two, and sing a round or two of Kumbaya.
Shamu: Yay, we've evolved into a nation of sue-ers!
K9: And spoiled brats. Brats and sue-ers. Lovely.
hotels/motels were full of airport/train/bus travelers, plus the airlines kept rescheduling flights and then cancelling so if you were inside the security area, it seemed impossible to leave the airport. STILL, I so agree with K9 .... I would have hiked my arse out of there and found something. OR.... just sucked it up because sometimes life is "hard".
It started with that no-good rat bastard FDR...but alas, it's been perfected with our generation.
Too much good stuff came too cheap with too little conflict. What doesn't fall in to our laps, we whine and sue for.
BTW, anyone named "Tiffany" should be bitch-slapped on principle.
{The gnome be in a surley mood.}
well - this reinforces why i travel with sedatives.
Didn't see it. I only watch the channel with real news, fair-and-balanced. They don't insult viewer intelligence with this sort of garbage.
to K9: I concur.
Boxer: And it's not like anyone's stuck in the Arctic, right? Airports are chock full of crap magazines, Starbucks, fast food, alkeehol, and human beings. Geez, I could make a vacation outta that alone.
Gnome: That's okay. Go cook something and you'll feel better.
K9: A little Ativan, a little red wine? Boy howdy. Color Moi suddenly not afraid to fly.
Troll: There must be some kinda special news that gets out to Troll island, 'cause I have yet to see any that isn't insulting.
Looks like Tiffany coulda used her time at the airport to do some laps around the concourse.
WTWA: I knew I could count on you to say what no one else would!
ahahah to "wow".. I wanted to say something to the effect "Tiffany looks like she could skip a meal", but I've been so snarky the last few days, I decided to let Gnomey and others have that "fun".
I'm with you! Uh, if you are going anywhere near an airport on Christmas and snow is in the forecast, go PREPARED. Plus, there is probably a SHOP IN THE FREAKIN' airport that sells pillows and blankies. Okay. I've vented now.
Merry Christmas to you!
Yup, felt the same way when I saw her. And she was talking about how she didn't have any medicine for her autistic child. Well, if something was that important to me, I certainly wouldn't travel without it!
I bet the folks who have spent months LIVING in airports would have a thing or two to say to her.
As far as leaving and finding a hotel, yeah, I thought of that too, but I imagine a woman with an autistic child doesn't have a lot of extra cash lying around. So on that part, we should cut her some slack.
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Wow, this "Tiffany Sydell" is quite the character lol. It's actually cydell. She is my child's fathers ex wife. This video actually makes her look good compared to how she is on a daily basis. She has money, owns a home, receives 1200 a mo in child support, is a teacher, etc.. Not only is she a teacher, but she is a special needs teacher, so being prepared for emergency situations would seem to fit the protocol. I have to say, this video is somewhat vindicating (I feel bad for the kids, but I'll always feel bad for them)... I guess this is what happens when you Google someones name though, that's fantastic!!!
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