I'm off to the Annual Recycled Art Festival in Santa Fe and to walk and walk the city streets for more unique finds. Don't know what I will find, but I'm hoping something fabulous. I'm especially looking forward to the children's show. I love children's art. Children have few rules, few filters. They embrace the concept of jolie laide without even knowing it. Or in 'merican terms: you can alway count on a child to produce something awesomely craptacular.

Tell me about YOUR favorite recycled treasure.
What a fun day youse got planned--cain't wait to see yore findins.
I have a woodsy stick wif moss and a skull haid that that arty Dawg give me--heh.
Moi, go look at this --hysterical! Even Ron Pal gits credit. Hee hee!
When my kids were in Jewish preschool, they made menorahs every year for Hanukkah. My favorite was the one crafted out of an upside-down egg carton. Until we lit the candles, left the room and the whole thing burnt down to the dining room table.
As I was writing this, my now-16-year-old commented that the preschool teachers didn't really expect us to use it.
Oooh, want to hear what you found!
I go to a recycled glass company and buy broken art glass and rusted metal yard art.. I put it all one part of my yard. (It scares the neighbors.)
An old cupboard that has been recycled and repainted with a whimsical magpie motif...I also have an old Nambe dish that I picked out of (HORRORS) my neighbor's "leavins" when they moved - I filled it with lovely seashells that Shamu sent me from Sanibel Island.
oh what a great time! one of the girls in my DotD show made these awesome candlelabras from junk. i loved them. take lots and lots of pictures. i like what you posted already.
did you make an altar to your mom? id like to see that if it is appropriate to show....
Envious to the max. Waiting for the lovely digital dots.
Twas indeed awesome, y'all! I'll try and post pics tomorrow.
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