Okay, so now that the election is over, on to the important stuff. Like: what, oh what, should Mrs. Obama wear to the inaugural festivities? I would sooooo adore being her stylist because I think she is a beautiful woman with a knockout figure and a great sense of what looks good on it. Only, I'd be all: "Michelle, hon'? No more chartreuse silk shantung outfits, 'kay?"
Designers keep trotting this shade out year after year like it was the faithful Labrador Retriever of the color palatte when, in fact, it's more like a Jack Russell Terrier: loud, obnoxious, completely unbiddable, and meant only for those select few who know exactly what they're doing with it.
So, no. No silk shantung – of any color – for La Michelle. Instead, I'd scoot her toot suite no protests allowed right on over to Oscar de la Renta's showroom. 'Cause while I love the way she can bust some brilliant budget fashionista moves, now is not the time to go all populist on our asses with a strapless from Chicos.
Instead, I've scouted out Oscar's Spring 2009 collection and, in the spirit of Democracy, am asking you, Moi's blob homies, to vote for the one you'd most like to see her wear come the big day in January.



these are beautiful. i think C is best too. but i like the pink one too. weird! i had a design post too. cause no matter what, eye candy will heal the heart like nothing else can.
C! C! That is a beauty although I personally don't love a strapless. I love Ms.Obama's style..... HOWEVER what was she wearing the other night. Here I was watching history being made, and I turned to the Mister and said "What is SHE wearing???"
I declare November "Eye Candy" Month because K9 is right.
K9: “For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it. For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it. For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it.”
A.B.: Yeah, see? These leetle slip ups are ripe for my help. And if no one ends up picking D, that'll be my outfit.
C absolutely, but D would be very hot for some other event. Inaugural Ball says fancy scmancy. Think the make dark gray tails?
Doris: There were fancier/schmanier frocks in the collection but some of them felt too "young" for Michelle. I'm thinking D, too, although B would totally be fun and get mouths flapping.
Love the black lace. The first two, eh. I'm not much for overt florals. Heh. I just had to look down to see what I was wearing.
I vote C as well! I personally loved her Rodriguez dress the other night and cannot wait for her to start showing off more clothes!
I just don't get it.
I pick C. Sigh...beautiful, beautiful C.
I wish Michelle had put you on the payroll before last Tuesday; while I loved her for wearing red to make her debut as first lady-elect, the design of that dress made me think she was pregnant. *Really, really* pregnant.
Wendy: I'm totally salivating over the lace jobbie. Have you seen the entire collection? To die for. Literally, because it's a wardrobe I'm only likely to have access to once I die and go to heaven.
Thursday: Really? You liked it? With all due respect to your impeccable taste, I thought it was . . . strange. One of her few missteps.
Czar: Get what? The fact that I'm applying for the position of Michelle Obama's stylist or the dresses themselves? Fashion in general? Lace? Chartreuse? Because my really real answers is predicated on which it is.
Wicked: But thank goodness she wasn't wearing a blue boa hat thingee!
Fashion in general. Why this apparel seems attractive. Why all y'all drool over shoes that look like instruments of torture. It all looks to me like the designers are just trying too damn hard -- not as hard as the ones who trot out the runway models dressed in cellophane or duct tape or whatever this year's outrage is, but not too far from it.
And trust me, this is not meant to offend. Everyone's got their own tastes.
Hell, even my nineteen-year-old son aspires to some kind of look, which baffles me, 'cause all I ever see him wearing is my old clothes (well, from the waist up, anyway), and the Chuck Taylors that I told him 16 years ago should have been his shoe of choice, but not until about five years ago when the rest of the world (re)discovered them did he decide that they were hip enough for him.
But if you put a gun to my head, I pick D. Simple. Elegant. And it doesn't give me a headache. But I have to wonder how come she doesn't take what's left of the toilet plunger off her left wrist.
Oh, and it would help if these models would smile once in a while. I think that alone would make these get-ups immediately more pleasurable to the eye. Who trains them to come out looking like they just emerged from Auschwitz and someone told them, "Here, put this on. Then we'll let you see what's left of your family and eat"?
Moi, I wish youse President--jes' think of the inaugural ball you'd throw fer us!!
C, of course!!! But whar's some shoes?
(An while youse stylin the woman, get her some posture lessons)
Czar made me LOL. (well, let's admit it ladies, some shoes IS instruments of torture and yeah? Why tha ban on smilin'?)
Czar: Okay, well, my response to you is going to mean a post in and of itself. But I do agree with you on the smiling. Since most runway models today are from the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, perhaps they have not yet learned to laugh. Or simply wish not to. Stay tuned . . .
Aunty: Well, now, shoes are a whole other post! But with dresses this big, simple shoes are always best. A strappy metallic Manolo in most situations.
I'd have to go with C. Black I think is just to somber for this event. Perhaps a pair of silver Sworski bedazzled crocs underneath?
Shamu: Aw, now you're just funning with me.
C! Beautiful. Please forward onto her staff immediatley.
They are all exquisite. Can you be my personal shopper PLEASE!
You really should write to her and ask to be her stylist! And you should also say you could help her in the sorts of tough decisions she's going to be making soon, like whether to get a Golden Doodle or a Labraschnitzel to be the next White House dog.
Liz: Howdy and welcome to Moi's blob! A Prayer for Owen Meany is one of my fave books, too.
Emmak: Actually, I'd tell her to get a pit bull :o).
C for me too! That is stunning. No to the big florals. I agree about election night -- what was she doing wearing red, for one thing!? I think she will be very influential style-wise for a long time to come!
and for every dog butt there is a willing dog lover at the ready to rub. (trout thinks so anyway)
Pamokc: I dunno, I think sometimes, a big ol' 21-gun-salute of a floral can shake things up in a good way. I can see Michelle going that route.
K9: Trout! How she doing? Fully recovered or still pouting?
Forget Emmy O... I want C. Can I have it? Please?
i think she needs a paper bag dress. just think, a recyclable dress. how quaint.
that thing she was wearing tuesday night was hideous!
personally, i hate the whole concept of dresses and dressing up, but if i gotta pick one, it'd be C. does it come with silver face paint, too?
hee hee.
Meghan: If everyone who commented on this post pooled their pennies, I think we could buy one C. and share :o).
Frizzy: Welcome to Moi's Blob! You know those PETA Ads: "I'd rather go naked than wear fur"? Maybe Michelle's peeps could come up with something along those lines for her: "I'd rather go JC Penney than Couture"?
agree with frizzy. i dont want to hollywood up political people. gak.
new post time. how about a calavacade of weird sandal stilettos wearing armor? grrrherhahahahaha
trout is better btw. but the tendon on that cut toe is a bunch of scar tissue now. the toe stands up in a funny way, and her paw hurts at the end of the day but she can run and play which is what i care about. i am going to see the vet about it again tho.
Hands down, C. Though D is fiarly racy, probably not the best thing to wear with international dignitaries....perhaps to reprise her role of Barack's Baby Mama.....
For the first time in my life, I'm proud of the fashion in this country.
...or something like that.
If I said, "Put the bitch in a burkha" would that be indelicate of me?
K9: Well, I suppose when everything goes the way of Hollyweird . . . Glad to hear Miz Trout is doing better. I can't imagine that dog being made to sit still.
Ventl8R: C is no doubt about it gorgeous and has an elegant fairy tale quality that makes it tres appropriate for the event. But if it were me? I'd push the envelope with D.
Iamnot: Frizzy says brown paper bag, you say burka. That's okey dokey with me. I'm an equal opportunity kinda blob.
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