Neither of the candidates have presented me with a more pressing reason for punching the ticket in their favor. So why not the fact that Michelle has almost overnight raised the stock price for Black House/White Market with her decision to wear one of their $149 frocks for her appearance on The View the other day?
If Michelle does nothing but serve as an example for millions of American women around the country that you can break out of schlumpy without paying an arm and a leg to do so, well, heck. That's a good thing. Besides, who else was going to do it? Hilary? Sweet Jeebus, that woman set fashion back eons with her dogged polyester pant-suiting. You mean to tell me all that money makes such a succulent sound but it can't buy a decent Chanel?
And, despite the fact that Cindy McCain is an awesomely gorgeous woman, well, let's face it. John did not age well. Sorry to say this, but the man looks like a frog. I mean, could you imagine the two of them posing for a photo like this?

I think not.
Which brings me to this additional point of enlightenment. Maybe, after eight gazillion years of buttoned up Bushes, it isn't change the American people want. It's sex appeal.
And just look at those biceps. If it comes down to a throwdown between her & Cindy (she & Cindy?? Grammar check, please), I'm betting on Michelle. She & that man of hers are darn pretty, and we 'Muricans do like our pretty.
I wonder how people knew who to vote for before television was invented.
Wicked: "She and Cindy," I think. Let's see, I always have to make another sentence out of it: "She and Cindy will throw down." sounds better than "Her and Cindy will throw down." Before television, there was still stumping on the campaign trail, the printing press, all that. And pretty doesn't always win. Look at Abe. I know, I might be struck down dead for saying that but, honestly. Not. Cute.
In a throw down, Michelle whups Cindy's cookie bakin' ass"
Well, you took my blog so I say yeah! I've been pondering the profound impact of having the Obama's in the White House. What an incredible message to the rest of of the world. And it might help to clean up our horribly tarnished name.
Oh I was hoping you'd weigh in on her dress - who'd thunk that picking a simple off the rack dress, that anyone can buy, would elevate Michelle O from Ice Queen to "just one of the gals." It's a great dress and a great price. I saw the designer on The Today show this a.m. and she said women just aren't wearing dresses right now on the campaign trail and that also made a statement.
Cindy has clearly had some work done... and I'm not talking the rehab.
you know what -i agree. if michelle inspires american women to DRESS appropriately again i can roll with that silver lining. although, with cindy, we can score some vicodin. grrrrrrherhahaha
i dodnt want barak to be president, i think ive been clear on that point. however, like most conservative constitutionalist libertarian types...i'll figure out my angle and adapt. i wont have to adapt my wardrobe -i already use "dress" in place of "shorts" .
It's good to see somebody is getting to the tops and bottoms of the real issues in America. Great blog - I think I will stalk.
So I don't need a passport to cross our state line (Colorado) to get into your part of the world? Santa Fe here I come! ;-)
Yuppers, those who know me and my politics know that what Barack stands for poleetically makes my hackles rise. I am under no illusion that his "change" for America is anything more than the "other side's" same ol' same ol' – just packaged more attractively. But if attractive's all I got, then that's all I got. Either that or I'll have to toss my vote to the wind for Bob Barr, who does at least boast a hawt Veep.
Wow: Welcome, oh fellow denizen of the Great Rocky Mountain West. Anyone who advocates for the elimination of circus clowns is more than welcome to stalk Moi's blob as often as you like. However, if you stalk long enough, you will see that there will be no negotiating on this serial comma biz.
It's all that new found pride in America that's got her looking sharp.
I'm betting she and Barack have matching Che underwear.
Yeah, well, Che muy sexy. Castro? Not so much. He and Stalin be sittin' in the corner, no one asking them to dance.
I can only put up with so much fashion talk before I spin it to something like sports. Do you choose your football team winners by the uniforms you like the best?
I don't see my serial comma around here anywhere...
No, I choose my sports teams by whether they belong to: LSU, the Saints, UGA, or the Yankees. I'll duck now.
Sex obscures, but it sure feels good.
Looks like we got a new John and Jackie in Camelot.
NYD: I think the Obamas have oodles of class, education, and charm. And are so totally different from the kinds of politicians we've been served up for the past couple decades, that who could NOT want them in the White House, if only for the curiosity factor? The danger of all this shiny happiness, however, is that it obfuscates their politics, thus preventing a deep, reasoned examination of what those politics really mean and the consequences of implementing them.
Your sports allegiances are quite interesting. Tolerable until you hit the damn Yankees. You have obfuscated your sports credibility (I was proud of you for using that word and thought I'd try throwing it back at ya).
I enjoy Michelle's style and am actually excited to see what she will wear in the months to come. As you know, I am a Barack supporter, and I believe those two are beautiful inside and out.
I almost can git the humor of this heah post--almost.
If only Stalin had had the wits to git sexy, why the world would now be a marxist worker's paradise!
Oh well, it comes a generation later, an on another continent, but ole Joe must be laughin' his, ah, mustache off. An' Nikita too...reckon the rope he predicted we'd hang wif' is at least tres cool.
Wait, Moi...now wait up. Is it "oodles of class" to support killer despots and dis the America that made yore education possible?
Looky, jes' cause Al Capone dressed swell doan give him no class.
Aunty, remember that this isnt the back porch!
Well, not an Obama supporter, but great post.
And great dress.
She does win in style.....hands down.
sorry it's been so long since i've checked in. don't worry about barack's politics. they're never the same on the campaign trail as they are in office. the man is a pragmatist and there are oodles of reasons to vote for him that have nothing to do with what you think he might do legislatively. If for nothing else, I'd like to have a man of mixed-racial heritage as president just to make my next-door neighbor's dad squirm, who was talking to me about the coons the other day. this from an otherwise intelligent and rational man.
and why is obama black? his mother is white. i'd love for someone to have the nads to point out that in most of america we might as well still be referring to people as octoroons.
i used to live in georgia and know a little about barr -- even edited some of his writings. he said one of the first things he'd do in office is get rid of the defense of marriage act which he, uh, sponsored while in congress. do what now? he also infamously and inadvertently discharged a firearm from the podium of a pro-gun rally a few years back. i admire the hell out of the man's intelligence, but he's just another a-hole.
after the last seven years, i'd vote for anyone who can speak extemporaneously on a given topic for more than two minutes without sounding like a frat boy who got on the outside of too much grain alcohol. and i like the private mccain much better than the public one. i'd rather hear him pop off every now and then than listen to him fight against the TelePrompTer. You'd think 20-something years in the Senate and the MoFo would know how to give a speech.
oh, by the way, i am related to one of the guys who put most of stalin's most heinous policies into place. watch out what you say about My People.
Charnita: I'm wondering what that dress is going to be worth eight years from now.
Czar: So, it's been 10.6 bazillion years since I've heard from you and you pop in to tell me you're related to one of Stalin's suede denim secret police? Huh. Well, you know my stance on it all: How can you tell a politician is lying? Its mouth is moving. Off with all their heads. I want to eat my cake in peace.
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