This is a fuzzy wuzzy caterpillar that showed up in my house two weeks ago. It attached itself to an end table leg in my living room. I thought it would be gone the next day. But no. It was still there. And it seemed, well, sorta out of it. Like it had partied way too hard the night before with all its caterpillar buddies and was now busily sleeping it off.
The next day, though, not only was the caterpillar still there, it looked different. Less caterpillar-like and more, well, you'll see.
A couple more days go by and then one morning, voila! it somehow managed, while I wasn't looking, to cocoon itself. Right there in my living room.

This always happens come, spring, I swear. Suddenly, my entire household and its environs turns into a freakin' Nature Channel program.
This morning I poked at the cocoon. It's fuzzy but not squishy, and now I'm wondering if the thing isn't a cocoon so much as a tomb. I hope not. I would like a beautiful butterfly to emerge. But with my luck, it may be something disgustingly creepy-crawly. If that's the case, it better do so in the middle of the night and then creepy-crawl it's ugly ass outta here before I wake up.
Whatever you do, don't feed it after midnight and never, never get it wet!
Listen, girlie, whenever you get worried about whatever-the-hell-is-really-in-that-thing, crack open a bottle of wine and curl up on the couch with Eric Carle's "The Very Hungry Caterpillar." When you're done, blow an air kiss toward the little blob and feel happy that he's not foraging through your refrigerator and eating your chocolate cake.
Keeping my fingers crossed for the butterfly and hoping like hell it doesn't ooze anything onto your table leg.
Curious array of companions you got over there at the sanctuary...best sleep with one eye open, just a crack.
Can't you carefully move him outside to a warm glasshouse say?
What will he eat in your house when he hatches otherwise?
Or dare one not go there?
Madonna is a good name for a spider. We did the disturb web thing at Troll Country Christian High as a science experiment.
Same result you got. It proves that evolution is false and satanic or something.
Most of our experiments proved that.
That's actually pretty cool! I can't wait to see what comes out. If only you could do an ultrasound...
(That poor chrysalis wouldn't stand a chance of survival in our house. Toddler fingers find EVERYTHING!)
nyd:: Was there one other rule, too?
Wicked: Dern, and we were at Barnes and Noble and everything and I coulda picked up that book.
Gypsy: Ooze is such a freaky word isn't it?
Doris: Maybe Ivan'll be on the ball about it.
Poet: Ya, but, I'm really afraid of busting the thing. (Read: oozy comment above.) And besides, I think it's Velcro-ed on or something.
Troll: So if I made a joke about Fundie Science Class 101 would you take away all my Troll Points and bar me from commenting?
Meghan: And then toddler fingers put those things in their mouths!
I think this little bugger believes he/she has found the perfect place to do whatever it needs to do. Pretty, safe house. SMART!
keep taking pictures!
Your Fellow Science Geek,
Jes' keep the lighter and a can of hair spray at the ready.
Of course not. I like your comments.
AB: Yeah, all of God's lil' chillruns love my home. If I could figure out how to charge them room and board, though, that would be a neat trick.
Aunty: LOL! Redneck Pest Control 101!
Troll: Okay, so now I actually have to come up with the joke . . .
looks like a beautiful nocturnal moth pupae. good to see ya moi!
She!: Cool. Now I have something solid to Google. Ya back home, mon?
ya mon. no problem. oh, you got a stomach ameoba? no problem mon. oh, your flights delayed 5 hours? no problem mon. have more rum. grrrrrerhahahaha
moi, you could say im half way back. just enough fuel to visit yall no fuel to post. later grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl
Not really a rule, I was more like a care tip you might get on a chia pet, besides if I wrote down all three then I would be the quintessential geek.
Moi, Baby Doll, can ya send Aunty an email(abporkrinds@yahoo.com) --need to yak offline at ya'.
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