Guess who's coming to New Mexico to shoot, literally and figuratively?
I like this guy. I really do. Although we just won't go there on the way he dresses, he otherwise appeals not only to Moi's decidedly libertarian sensibilities, but to my gastronomic ones as well. 'Cause if you're going to commit to the carnivore lifestyle, you best be ready to shoot it, skin it, haul it, and chop it before you cook it.
I like the Nugent and most of what he does. He's a Troll, for sure.
One of the few Yankees I'd be willing to go hunting with.
Never been a fan of his music, but as a "character," he rocks.
Troll: I bet he can shoot a bow with dead on accuracy. I admire that, 'cause I'm too wimpy to even pull the dang thing back.
Pirate: Aw, come on, girl. You know you loves you some game meats!
iamnot: I grok that. Music is NOT where his entertainment value lies, that's for sure.
He's kinda rockin' some wife beater arms there, and I agree with Troll; he's a Troll.
i love em too. he was asked by a french journalist "what do you think a deer you've shot last thought is? i mean does it think youre the one who killed my brother or hey! you killed me!?"
and nugent says something like "they arent capable of that kind of thinking. all they think about is when are they going to eat; when are they going to screw (his words) next and can they run fast enough to get away.
they're a lot like the french"
then theres this gem:
"my idea of fast food is a mallard"
moi, when your anarchy gets fully fledged a few trolls in the foxhole dont hurt.
AB: "Wife beater arms." That's hysterical. You suppose Senor Nugent would be willing to trade some fresh venison for fashion advice? Hello, paging Nugent's Party People.
She: Ooooh, a French joke I haven't heard. That's a good one. I also like: “Anybody that believes they can get any product from an entrepreneur or the creator of artistic products for free is either stoned, drunk or brain-dead or just stupid."
"Beer for My Horses?" Smells like an alliance with Toby Keith & Willie Nelson to me. As for the rest of it...la la la la la la la la (picture fingers in ears)!
If there was a poster for "white trash" he would be on it. No, if there was a billboard....
Not my cup of tea.
Nugent is an entertaining interview. On the libertarian sensibilities, Moi, you've straightened me out before, so please do so again. I heard Ron Paul checking out, or not, the other day. How does one square being noninterventionist in one breath and bemoaning the downfall of the American Empire two minutes later? As a former libertarian who would have pulled the lever for Kucinich had he still been in the race, I must admit that I don't think there's a single political/religious/economic philosophy or approach in the Western hemisphere that makes a damn bit of sense.
Wicked: Wicked. I know. It's a rough post for my vegetemarian friends. Have you met AB?
Upset: So you're saying you'd spit in his pancakes?
Czar: I'm not sure American Empire is the right word for it. Sensibility/way of life/ideals, maybe? You can spread those ideals, and remain strong within your borders, without bullying your neighbors. I can't begin to speak for Paul, et al. They are, after all, politicians. Which means they are all going to swim in their own bathwater to some degree. So while I wouldn't necessarily say there isn't a philosophy or political system that makes sense, I don't think there is one we can all follow through on. So, as every year goes by and I witness nothing but more and more power grabs, I slowly, slowly slouch towards anarchism.
I have no idea who this chap is, but given that I couldn't even watch Gordon Ramsay kill a pig to eat, there's not a hope in hell I'm likely to become a fan.
I drown in the bitter taste of my own hypocrisy every time I eat.
Well I won't be wrestling you for him Moi - he's all yours!
Oh no, no, no. I don't want to SLEEP with the man. Just go hunting with him :o)
I'm wondering what Moi would wear on a hunt?
christian laboutin wellingtons or something.
That's right, you two. Go on and have your fun at my shoe obsession's expense. I have just made it my mission in life to get on this show and then have the camera pan down to Moi's feet so you can see for yourselves: Merrill hiking boots.
I think it's time for a Moi fashion post.......
"What to Wear When Hunting"
everybody's all bogged down with the superficial! you gotta look at a mans soul! grrrrerhahahaha
He should be a guest judge on Top Chef!
AB: Why, yes, I believe it is!
She: The soul thumbs its nose at the gub'ment and all poleetical correctness. I like that.
Troll: Why yes! I can picture it now. Clearly, the man needs Moi to dress him, you to pimp him. I feel a new purpose coming on.
Upset: So you're saying you'd spit in his pancakes?
Moi I would. You know, to make him feel right at home.
still the nuge? grrrrrrrrr! guess i'll go over to the other blob.
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