Y'all have seen this child before. And no, it's not Moi's. Hush, now. You know better.
But I trot him out on occasion when I'm having one of those Life's Handing Out Lemons and I'm Not Even Capable of Making a Glass of Lemonade, Much Less an Entire Lemon Tart with Blueberry Coulis and Creme Fraiche days.
So because I have to scoot along and get some work done and fret over a few other things, I'm going to invite you all to post comments on just about anything you want. Anything at all. Tell me your favorite flavor of bubble gum. What you did this weekend. What's pissing you off and making you jump for joy. Rant away on any ol' thing.
Knowing you guys, it will all make Moi smile. And I need to stretch those muscles today something awful.
I'm taking the girls to the Dog Park! wheeee
I just told a middle class mother off at the dentist 'cos she wanted to take my go, saying her son had swimming lessons. I pointed out that just because I didn't have a child it didn't mean I didn't have a life and she shouldn't schedule her child.
so there.
Doris: Wheee, indeed! Specially when you have dawgs who adore everything in the universe.
Ms R: Oooh, I love a good "I may be child free but that doesn't mean I'm carefree" rant.
I know I've seen that picture of that kid before.
Oh, that's right. Every morning.
In. The. Mirror.
Oh and I'd like to join in the "child free but not care free" rant too, please.
Don't you just hate it when "issues" get in the way of a perfectly good day.
I want to know why a delivery woman just came to my door with a single red rose that turned out not to be for me. It was my address but the wrong person. For a second there I thought I was loved but I was mistaken. Boo hoo for me.....
Hope you don't have to fret too long my friend :)
Today, my mind did real doublethink. I was driving back form the next town, when I drove past two very scruffy young men of the type we like to call 'hoodies' around here. They were clutching identical, polythene wrapped parcels, each containing a big fluffy teddy and some roses.
Half of my mind snorted in derision, whilst the other half simultaneously though 'oh, sweet...' How can one brain do that?
Hmmmm. Well, it's a beautiful sunny day here. And my friend Kiki did a post with a bunch of interesting stuff I didn't know:
Oh, hon, I have notheeng today. But, um...hi!
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