It's only because there are going to be oodles and oodles of squishable pit bulls there, not to mention a rockin' venue in which to hang my hat for 2.5 days, that I am entering this former bastion of all things hippified. But wearing boots, Party People, boots (I hear it's cold there.)
Oh, and Brooks running shoes. Because one of my favorite things to do when I travel is explore my new environs on foot, albeit it at a lame-o pace of about 11 mph. Oh, but that's right. I'll be at sea level. Bonus! That should be good for bumping me up at least another half second.
Most important of all, of course, will be the fact that I get to spend 2.5 whole days perseverating on my favorite breed o' dawg.

Who bring a whole new meaning to the phrase, "Will Smile For Treats."
Oh! That face! Those eyes! Beauty. Have a great adventure. Come back with fabulous stories.
grin on, babe!
Ooooh, an aminal weekend! Sounds like great fun. I'm glad you're going and look forward to those stories I know you're going to accumulate.
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