There are going to be all kinds of wicked cool musical acts there this year: The Flaming Lips, Kings of Leon, Tool (a current obsession of mine), Ben Harper, Wilco.
Even the recently drudged-up Police will be on hand (an event that seems to excite everyone on the planet except moi. While I'm certainly glad to see the boys are speaking once again and I'll admit "Roxanne" is a great song, Sting bugs the hell out of me with his whole holier-than-thou Tantric trip, and in high school when I stood in line for two hours for their autographs, Andy Summers flung my notebook at me and then sneered in that self satisfied manner of upper middle class Brits slumming as rock stars.)
No, what really gets my blood going – and in fact is the one act that I am most going to be beyond heartsick to the bone to miss – is the White Stripes.

These folks are nothing less than pure genius. In my humble opinion, it's been decades since a music group has done such mind-blowing things with only a couple guitars and a Kleenex box set of drums.
I love these guys so much that in Moi's Alternative Backwards Islamic Universe (where girls rule and get to eat the most cake), I have assigned Jack White the position of fifth husband to moi. (Meg can cook.)
There are very few things that can send me into a spiral of gloom and doom for more than 5.6 seconds but missing the Stripes? It will take me all day to get over this.
Sometimes it is stunningly apparent how uninformed I am - residing on another planet.
tsh - I don't like the Police anymore!
Hope we can help you get through the day..... comments always help me.
I'm just sayin...
PS thanks for yours over at my place!
Have strength, like Dizzy, I'm really not sure what you are describing...but I am sure it is important.
Well, my lovely bloggie friends, your comments certainly do help. Thank you. I am currently drowning my sorrows in red wine and U.S. Open highlights on ESPN. Life does go on, especially when Tiger Woods is involved.
I'm *so* not hip. Sigh...
Life does go on, especially when Tiger Woods is involved.
Dad? Is that you?
Seriously though, I shall commiserate with you. I used to go to wicked cool concerts all the time. I haven't done anything even close to cool in Two. Fucking. Years.
Another glass of red wine, darling?
Meghan wrote: "Dad? Is that you?"
That right there nearly sent my coffee onto the keyboard, But listen girl. Golf? It's, like, everything. Only with really weird clothing. But fun weird.
As for concerts, yeah, I used to be a concert whore. Would go anywhere, anytime to see anyone. Used to go to Jazz Fest in N.O. every year, too. Since Katrina, haven't had the heart to go back. But Bonnaroo is MINE next year.
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