Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Lucky 13


LẌ said...

"Unfortunately, this SME-music-content is not available in Germany because GEMA has not granted the respective music publishing rights.
Sorry about that."

I'm sure it was a pithy selection!

moi said...

von LX: Obviously, our economy is not global when it comes to sharing music. It's the Clash, "Clampdown." Hope you're enjoying a fine trip!

LẌ said...

Thanks for the info. I'm listening to Clampdown on my iPod as I type!

Jenny said...

I love this entire album. What a breathe of fresh air it was in 1979 to have something besides disco. Big Audio Dynamite is another favorite of mine;RUSH is on my list of all time best songs to listen to if you need to work out/clean the house.

keep 'em coming, Pal.

Karl said...

Good afternoon Moi,

Sorry, sometimes I just don't understand.

If you need to resist a force. Empowering an impotent third party makes no sense.

moi said...

Boxer: Lately, for house cleaning, it's been jazz. Yes. I said it. I recently dusted off a bunch of old Miles Davis records my parents collected. Some of it is quite retro-snazzy fabulous.

Karl: I disagree. Gary Johnson is not impotent. He is BEHIND. And, thus, supporting him even in the face of his inevitable loss IS resistance. I respect your position, and those like you, who choose to vote for the republican candidate this time around. I understand it, even. But it's not resistance. It's simply accepting the status quo because you've been lead to believe there is no other option. But if everyone from the beginning who believed in the Johnson message had said, "Hey! Here's an option! A true conservative!" and VOTED for him, we wouldn't be having this discussion. We'd be having a real presidential race, one showcasing two very different ideas of how this country should be run.

Of course, I have no beef with those who believe in Romney over Johnson. If Romney is your man, right on. My problem is with those who say, "Well, a candidate of Johnson's kind is just what's needed, but not NOW." But if not now, when? Some mythical "right" time when all the stars align? I don't know. When it comes to changing stuff, I've always believed the best course of action IS right now.

chickory said...

No go for me on the video. The men at the factory are old and cunning......great tag. I agree with you Moi on the vote this year. Romney is just a slower road to hell

czar said...

"Lately, for house cleaning, it's been jazz. Yes. I said it. I recently dusted off a bunch of old Miles Davis records my parents collected. Some of it is quite retro-snazzy fabulous."

Be still my heart.

It ain't retro; it's eternal.

And it's all rock and roll, in some respect.

czar said...

Oh, and on politics, you're dead wrong. The coolest bass player in the universe is Jack Casady.

darkfoam said...

I might just vote for vermin supreme. He's promising ponies I think ..

czar said...

Vermin Supreme! Yes!

moi said...

I want a pony!