Sunday, October 21, 2012

Best Pals

On squirrel patrol.


Sun snoozin'


LẌ said...

I especially like the second pix.

Saw a woman this morning walking a pair of dogs that sort of looked like miniature pinchers, but smaller. Anyway, the black one was walking normally. The tan one was kind of squirrely and tripping over its leash and tangling the woman's legs.

moi said...

von LX: I do not own small dogs for the same reason I never had babies: I was always afraid I'd misplace one.

Aunty Belle said...

like 'em better'n hot dawgs, cause nuthin' redeems a hot dawg--not catsup, slaw, chili or mustard. Nuthin'.

Well...mebbe religion done right.

czar said...

I didn't imagine them being so close in size, unless it's a trick of the lens. Is Maddie tall for a border collie?

moi said...

Aunty: Yes, when one knows what they are made from they become . . . Untenable.

Czar: actually, both dogs are pretty "correct" in size & weight. Louie is an inch or so higher than Maddie and around 55 lbs to her 45.. A proper pit should not be heavier than he is, although the Am Staffs sure are and we won't even go there on the heft of the American Bully breed. And Border Collies vary greatly in size, from rangy and petite to bear-like, short-furred to long.

chickory said...

Just makes me so happy. Great contrast and a great fit. Love these dogs

moi said...

Chickory: Louie had his first Big Boy session with the trainer today. My goal is to eventually be able to run/walk/hike/ski with him safely off lead. The good news: he is very treat motivated and loves to please. The bad news: rabbits and deer far outweigh the lure of my liverwurst at this point. Baby steps, but he'll get there. I hope. Maddie, on the other hand, is so rock solid off leash, it's almost supernatural. They are good dogs and I feel lucky.

Anonymous said...

Nice thing about dogs is it so easy to make them happy. I made that comment today as a group of us were accompanied by one person's aging part border collie stick fetching maniac. She took one searching look ar me, came immediately over and dropped her stick at my feet, and the game was on. I have a new friend. Such a happy dog.


moi said...

Serendipity: So sweet! Most dogs have something they like to "work" on, and that's always a plus. I remember once during a day trip to the Jemez, spotting a Rottweiler in the back of a pick up truck parked across the parking lot of a restaurant. Dog saw me, fixed on me, bounded over the tailgate, and charged. I thought, "Uh, oh." Then he came to a dead stop in front of me, shook his head, and a ball came rolling out of his mouth. Funniest thing ever.